A research on the factors influencing Wechat users' continuance usage intention微信用户持续使用影响因素的研究
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Participant Information Leaflet 参与者信息手册You are being invited to take part in a research project. Please take some time to read the information presented here, which will explain the details of this project. Please ask me any questions about any part of this project that you do not fully understand. It is very important that you are fully satisfied that you clearly understand what this research entails and how you could be involved. 您被邀请到参加本次研究项目 ,请在开始本研究调查之前花一点时间来阅读以下的一些资料,将会让您更加清楚了解本次研究 ,同时也这是非常重要与必要的 。1 Survey title :A research on the factors influencing Wechat users' continuance usage intention 1 调查的题目是什么微信用户持续使用影响因素的研究2 What is this research study all about? This study has been approved by the Coventry University seeks to found out the factors which influence Wechat users’ continuance usage intention. Wechat has explored a new way of mobile instant massaging .With the increasing number of users, Wechat has become more and more popular in China.This is a huge market for this application and it is still developing. Therefore, the study of the factors which influence Wechat users’ continuance usage intention is reasonable and meaningful. 2 这个研究主要的研究是关于什么的?这个研究已被英国考文垂大学审核通过的 ,主要是通过问卷调查的方式来找出影响微信用户持续使用的主要因素。微信为人民的生活与工作开拓了一种新的移动即时沟通方式。 随着微信用户的不断增加,微信在中国已经越来越受欢迎了,对于微信的运营商来说,这里面具有巨大的市场潜力。所以本次的研究结果是非常具有意义的。 3 Who can participate in the survey? What is the expected duration of participation? The ideal participant will be the person who has the experiences of using Wechat . The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes. You may complete the survey in the form below .Please submit your answers after completion. 3 谁可以参加这次的问卷调查,此次问卷调查的时间大概需要多久?参加者必须是有过微信使用经验的。这次的问卷调查大概是10-15分钟 。请在完成下面的问卷之后吗,选择提交。 4 How will my privacy and the confidentiality of my research records be protected? All aspects of the survey, including results, will be strictly confidential and only the researcher conducting the survey will have access to information on the participant. 4 我回答的数据的隐私性与保密性将会怎么样得到保证 ?所有关于本次的调查研究的数据以及结果将会得到严格的保密。除此之外,只有本次研究者本人才有权利查看参与者的信息资料。 5 What are the possible benefits to me and to others? Among 100 participants would be recruited in this research. Your input are valuable to analysis the key factors which influence Wechat users’ continuance usage intention. Base on your input, some advices would be given out for the Wechat Company to maintain its marketing share.5 参加本次研究将会如何有利于本人/他人。大概会有100个参与者被招募到本次调查研究。您的回答将对我们研究影响微信用户持续使用的主要因素提供有用的实证数据。根据你们的回答,在本次研究的最后,将会有相关的建议提供给微信营运商来保持微信在市场的占有率。 6 Can I refuse to participate in this survey? Yes, you can. Your participation is entirely voluntary and you are free to decline to participate. If you say no, this will not affect you negatively in any way whatsoever. You are also free to withdraw from the study at any point, even if you do agree to take part. 6 我能不能拒绝参加本次研究?当然可以,您可以拒绝参加本次的问卷调查。本次研究的参与者必须是完全自愿参加的,所以您可以根据您自己的意愿去参加是否参加本次调查。如果您不愿意,这将不会对您产生任何的负面影响。除此之外,即使您已经答应参加本次调查,在调查的过程中,您随时都可以退出本次调查研究,这是您的权利。7 Whom should I call if I have any questions or problems? Please contact the researcher Kanghua, Li at telephone +44 746-6461681 or email lik31@uni.coventry.ac.uk or Supervisor David Food by email ab8024@coventry.ac.uk.7 如果我有疑问的话我可以联系谁?您可以联系本次研究的研究者:李康华 她的电话号码是 +44 746-6461681 ,除此之外您还可以发邮件到她的电子邮箱 lik31@uni.coventry.ac.uk 或者她的导师Dave food 的电子邮箱: ab8024@coventry.ac.uk 咨询任何相关本次研究的信息与问题。 Informed Consent Document 知情同意书 Title of Study : A research on the factors influencing Wechat users' continuance usage intention 研究项目名称:微信用户持续使用影响因素研究Investigators: Kanghua Li 研究人:李康华 This is a research study, Please feel free to ask questions at any time if your have any problem about the study and the survey. If you agree to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete a three-part survey concerning your past and current experience with using Wechat. This questionnaire is anonymous and only used for the study of Wechar users' continuance usage intention. You can withdraw from the study at any time. There are no foreseeable risks from participating in this study. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you have the right to refuse to participate or leave the study at any time without any penalty. You can skip any question you do not feel comfortable answering. 这是一个调查研究项目,如果您对本研究有任何疑问,请随时跟研究者本人联系。如果您同意参与本次调查研究,请您仔细根据您自己以往使用微信的情况完成以下的问卷。本次的问卷调查是匿名的,其答案数据只会用于研究微信用户持续使用的影响因素,不做他用。您的参加是完全自愿,同时您具有随着退出本次研究的权利,而且不会受到任何的惩罚。在回答问卷的过程中,如果任何问题让您觉得不方便回答,您可以直接跳过此问题。Read the boxed information below before starting the survey. 1 All the participants must read the entire Informed Consent Document. 2 All the participants must over 18 years old. 3 All the participants have not disabilities in reading and thinking. 所有的参加者请在开始本调查之前仔细阅读一下信息。1 所有的参加者必须仔细阅读知情同意书。2 所有的参加者必须已经年满18岁。3 所有的参加者比较具有正常的思考与阅读能力。