Market research questionnaire for the BioFoam® box by Overath GmbH

                   Thank you very much for completing this questionnaire.

1. Our society should take more measures to protect the environment.
scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
2. As a consumer I can support companies that act responsibly towards nature (by buying their products)
scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Explanation of the term “ sustainable ”:Almost every day we hear the words 'sustainable' and 'sustainability'. But what does it mean?It is the capability of something  to be continued and maintanined with a minimal long-term effect on the environment.


3. I want to support the protection of the environment through buying sustainable products.

scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
4. I would buy sustainable products…
1: at the same price as non-sustainable products
2: at a higher price than non-sustainable products
3: I don`t care
5. A single person cannot do anything against the pollution of the environment.
scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
6.  I have an influence on the protection of the environment through my shopping behaviour (e.g., by buying sustainable products).
scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Explanation of the term “ organic ”:Organic products and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.

7.  I want to support the protection of the environment through buying organic food products.
scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

1. How often does your household go grocery shopping?
1: Once a week
2: Twice a week
3: Three or more times a week
2. How much money does your household spend on groceries ? (per week, estimate figures)_________ (ENTER Amount in local currency)
3. How often do you buy frozen goods or goods that need to be kept cool (in average)?
1: Every time I buy food
2: Every second time I buy food
3: Less than listed above
4. Where do you buy frozen goods or goods that need to be kept cool? (Multiple answers are possible)
1: Supermarket
2: Organic market
3: Weekly market
4: Gas station
5: Discounter
6: Wholesale
5. How do you usually manage your food shopping?
1: By car
2: By bicycle
3: By feet
4: By bus/tram/train
6. How many different shops do you normally visit when shopping food (in average) in one shopping tour?  (ENTER Amount)
7.How long does your normal grocery shopping spree take?  (ENTER Amount)
8. After shopping, how long does it take you to reach home (in average)?                  (ENTER time in minutes)

9. How do you transport frozen goods or goods that need to be kept cool from the store to your home?


1: In a paper/plastic/cloth bag
2: In an insulated bag
3: In an insulated cool box
4: In a backpack
4: in a flip box
10. I have to take special care to make sure that my purchases remain cool or frozen, while I transport them to my home.
scale ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
11. Over the last three months, how often did you buy organic food products?
1: 1-3 times
2: 4-8 times
3: 9 times or more
4: Never
12. Over the last three months, how often did you buy sustainable non-food products (e.g. products made of recyclable material of from recycled material, like a satin scarf made from plastic bottles)?
1: 1-3 times
2: 4-8 times
3: 9 times or more
4: Never
13. Assuming you are the owner of a common sized foam box, in which case would you use it most frequently? (Multiple answers are possible)
1: Grocery shopping
2: Camping
3: Excursion
4: Party
5: Transporting warm food to workplace/school/university



Organic cotton is a sustainable raw material that is grown under controlled circumstances from non-genetically modified plants without the use of any toxic and persistent synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides, so that the soil and the groundwater don’t get contaminated/polluted.                                                                                    

1. A common plain T-shirt of standard quality costs 10€, how much are you willing to pay  for a T-shirt made of bio/ organic cotton? (in€ )  


The box you can see below is made of BioFoam® . BioFoam® is a sustainable material made of plants instead of crude oil, which can  be completely biodegraded, composted or used as a raw mateial for recycling.  Being designed for the environment it implies that there is no chemical waste and so it provides environmental protection.

2. Imagine a common-sized (40cmx40cmx23cm = 21litres ) isolated box costs 12 [money-units/ € ]. In your opinion, what is a fair price for a similar product made of BioFoam ® ?


1. What is your gender?
1: Male
2: Female
3: Prefer not to answer
2. Which age group do you belong to?
1: Less than 25
2: 25-35
3: 36-49
4: 50-65
5: More than 65
3. How many people are currently living in your household, including yourself?
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5 or more than 5
4. Please select the option that best describes your marital status:
1: Single, separated, divorced, widowed
2: Married, living with partner
3: Prefer not to answer
5. What is the highest level of education you have completed? If you are a student: what is the degree you are currently aiming to achieve?
1. High School graduate
2. Post secondary degree (e.g. vocational school, technician, apprenticeship)
3. Bachelor (B.A. or B.S.)
4. Diploma, Magister, Master
5. Doctorate’s degree (MD, PhD, JD)
6. Postdoctoral degree
7: None of the Above
8: Prefer not to answer
6. What is your monthly total combined family net income, after taxes, from all sources, wages, public assistance/benefits, help from relatives, alimony, and so on? If you don’t know your exact income, please estimate. ( in country specific money units)
1: Less than 1000 (lower class)
2: 1000-1500 (lower middle class)
3: 1500-2200 (middle class)
4: 2200-3000(upper middle class)
5: 3000-5000 (wealthy)
6: More than 5000 (rich)
7: Don’t know
8: Prefer not to answer

35题 | 被引用1次
