RUBBERTECH CHINA 2013 Exhibitors Survey 展商问卷调查

To assist us in improving and developing every aspect of the exhibitions in the future, we would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. 

Where is your company’s head office located? / 贵公司总部所在地在哪里?
China / 中国
Germany / 德国
Great Britain / 英国
India / 印度
U.S.A. / 美国
Singapore / 新加坡
Others / 其他
How did you hear about RUBBERTECH CHINA? / 你是通过什么方式知道中国国际橡胶技术展的?
Advertisement of the organizer / 主办方的广告
Advertisement of other exhibitor / 其他展商的广告
Email-newsletter / 电子邮件通讯
Internet / 互联网
Booth of the organizer at another trade fair / 主办方在其他商品交易会的展位
Other (please specify) / 其他,请具体列出来
If you saw the advertising for RUBBERTECH CHINA, how do you rate it? / 如果您见过中国国际橡胶技术展览会的广告,感觉怎么样?
Excellent / 很好
Good /良好
Satisfactory /满意
Fair / 一般
Poor / 不好
How do you rate the attendance to the show? / 您觉得这次展会的观众质量如何? Number of visitors? / 观众数量
Excellent / 很好
Good /良好
Satisfactory /满意
Fair / 一般
Poor / 不好
Quality of visitors? / 观众水平
Excellent / 很好
Good /良好
Satisfactory /满意
Fair / 一般
Poor / 不好
What are your principal marketing objectives and reasons for exhibiting and how do you rate these objectives? (Multiple answers possible) / 您参加这次展会的主要目的是什么?您如何评估本届展会的参展效果? (可多选)
Excellent / 很好 Good / 良好 Satisfactory / 满意 Fair / 一般 Poor / 不好
Generate new sales leads / 开发新客户
o Meet existing clients/ 与现有客户会面
Launch new products/services/ 发布新的产品或服务
Get feedback on products/services / 调研现有产品或服务的市场反馈
Promote corporate image / 推广公司形象
o Gather market information / 获得市场信息
o Secure orders at show / 现场签订订单
o Recruit agents/distributors /寻找代理商或经销商
Did you meet your target groups at RUBBERTECH CHINA? / 您是否在中国国际橡胶技术展览会上遇到了您的目标客户?
Yes / 是的
No / 没有
If not, which one did you miss? / 如果没有,请列出您希望参加的公司
Have the expectations with which you came to RUBBERTECH CHINA 2013 been fulfilled? / 您参加2013中国国际橡胶技术展览会展会的目的是否已经实现?
Fulfilled / 实现
Partly fulfilled / 基本实现
Not fulfilled / 没有实现
Are you planning to re-exhibit at RUBBERTECH CHINA 2014? / 您还要参加2014中国国际橡胶技术展览会吗?
Yes / 参加
No / 不参加
Not decided yet / 还没决定
How do you rate the information and assistance given by the Organizers before and during the show, e.g. exhibitor manual, problem solving? / 您对主办单位展前、展中服务(如展商手册,解答展商问题等方面)如何评价?
Excellent / 非常好
Good / 好
Satisfactory / 基本满意
Fair / 感觉一般
Poor / 不好
How do you rate procedures during build-up (Given by PICO IES GROUP (CHINA) CO. LTD)? / 您对主场搭建笔克主建(上海)展览服务有限公司的服务感觉如何?
Excellent / 很好
Good / 良好
Satisfactory / 满意
Fair / 一般
Poor / 不好
How do you rate the Official Freight Forwarder EXPOTRANSWORLD? / 您对主场运输运展寰球的服务感觉如何?
Excellent / 很好
Good / 良好
Satisfactory / 满意
Fair / 一般
Poor / 不好
Do you consider exhibition dates satisfactory? 您是否对展期满意?
Yes / 满意
No, your exhibition dates suggestion: / 不满意
How would you assess the development of the economic situation in the future? 你怎样评价未来经济发展趋势?
Strong economic upward trend / 经济强劲增长
Slight economic upward trend / 经济缓慢增长
Steady / 持平
Slight economic downward trend / 经济缓慢萎缩
Distinct economic downward trend / 经济强烈萎缩
Is there anything about RUBBERTECH CHINA that most impressive for you or ought to be improved in your opinion? 您认为中国国际橡胶技术展览会在哪些方面印象最为深刻,或者您觉得我们的展会那些方面需要改进?

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