〈智库〉行业分享会反馈 〈Think Tank〉Experience Sharing Feedback

Which of the following time slot do you think most suitable for the session?
Lunch hour between lessons (1230 - 1330)(e.g. Mondays, Wednesdays)
After class in late afternoon (1700 - 1900) (e.g. Mondays and Wednesdays afternoon)
After class on days where there is no lesson or at least half the class has no lesson (e.g. Tue / Thu afternoon)
Please rank the following content on how attractive they are to you
Overview or general knowledge of a sector / company
Personal experience
Career advice
Application of MBA subject in real life
Industrial knowledge and experience
Diversified cultural background
If we need to collect money to buy lunch, which of the below will be acceptable to you?
Ok without lunch / food
Acceptable to pay up to RMB25 for lunch each time when registering for event
Lunch to be provided entirely from class fee
Thinking about your experience with the last session, what do you think can be improved?
What topics would you suggest to us for future session
For a one hour session, how many speakers do you think will be appropriate?

6题 | 被引用0次
