What is your age group? 请问您的年龄段?
18-25 years old
26-30 years old
30+years old
Are you male or female? 请问您的性别?
Do you have any account on
social media? 请问您有社交网站的帐号吗?
Please tick ONE factor
below that you think it is a most important reason for you to use a social
media? 请在下列选项中选出一个您使用社交媒体最重要的原因
Communicate/Socialization 交流/社交
Research/Information acquisition 研究/信息获取
Entertainment 娱乐
Self expression 自我表达
Do you have any account on
foreign(not China) social media? (e.g.Facebook, Twitter, etc)您有国外的社交媒体帐号吗?(如Facebook, Twitter等等)
If your answer for question
4 is 'yes', do you have your account on foreign social media before or after
you go abroad? 如果第四题的答案为‘是’,您是出国前还是出国后有国外社交媒体上的帐号?
Before I go abroad 在我出国前
After I go abroad 在我出国后
Which of the following
social media you use most frequently ?(multiple choice ) 您最经常使用以下哪个/哪些社交媒体?
Weibo 微博
Renren 人人网
Wechat 微信
Other(please specific)
What is the most important
reason for you to have an account on foreign social media? 您用国外社交媒体最重要的原因是什么?
Contact your local classmates/friends 和当地同学、朋友联系
Local integration 融入当地社会
Acquire information 获取信息
Follow foreign celebrities 了解国外名人的资讯
Other (please specific)
How much time you spend on
social media everyday? 您每天花多久时间在社交媒体上?
Do not use it 不使用
Less than 1 hour 少于一个小时
1~2 hours 1~2小时
2~4 hours 2~4小时
More than 4 hours 超过4小时
Do you spend more time on
Chinese social media or foreign social media ? 您在国内社交媒体还是国外社交媒体上花更多时间?
Do not use them 都不使用
Chinese social media 国内社交媒体
Foreign social media 国外社交媒体
Same 一样的时间
Do you think there is any difference between Chinese and foreign social media? (e.g. Twitter and Weibo) 您认为国内国外的社交媒体之间有什么不同吗?(例如Twitter和微博之间)
No difference 没有区别
Slightly different 略有区别
Quiet different 差别很大
Totally different 完全不同
Compare with Chinese social media, what is the biggest advantage of foreign social media ? 和中国社交媒体相比,您认为国外社交媒体最大的优势是?
More features 更多功能
More freedom of speech 言论更自由
More useful information 更多有效信息
No advantage 没有优势
Other(please specific)
Do you think use foreign social media is an effective way to integrate into the local? 您是否认为用国外社交媒体对于融入当地社会是一种有效的方式?
Very effective 非常有效
Effective 有效
Not effective 无效
Unknown 不知道
Do you think use foreign social media is an effective way to expand circle of friends in the local ? 您是否认为使用国外社交媒体帮助了您在当地扩大交友圈?
Very effective 非常有效
Effective 有效
Not effective 无效
Unknown 不知道
In which way you normally
participate in social media? 您参与社交媒体的形式是?
| Never 从不 | Rarely 很少 | Sometimes 有时 | Frequently 频繁 |
Reading information 浏览页面 | | | | |
Publish information发布信息 | | | | |
Forwardinginformation转发信息 | | | | |
Leave a comment评论 | | | | |
Click 'like'点赞 | | | | |
How do you use Chinese social
media? (e.g. Weibo, Renren,etc.) 您通过中国的社交媒体做什么?(如微博、人人等)
| Never 从不 | Rarely 很少 | Sometimes 有时 | Frequently 频繁 |
Contact your familyand friends联系您的家人和朋友 | | | | |
Make new friendsonline在网上结交新朋友 | | | | |
Acquire academicknowledge获取学术信息 | | | | |
Acquire fresh news获取最新资讯 | | | | |
Pass the time打发时间 | | | | |
Follow celebrities了解名人动态 | | | | |
Express your views表达个人见解 | | | | |
Vent your emotions发泄情绪 | | | | |
Do you use Chinese and foreign social media in different ways? 您是否使用国内和国外的社交媒体做不同的事?
What is/are reason(s) for you to do different things on Chinese and foreign social media? (multiple choice) 是什么原因导致了您在参与国内和国外社交媒体时用了不同的方式?(可多选)
Languages 语言
Culture 文化差异
Sense of identity 认同感
Circle of friends 交友圈
Other (please specific) 其他
How do you use foreign social media? (e.g. Facebook, twitter, etc.) 您通过国外的社交媒体做什么?(如facebook, twitter等)
| Never 从不 | Rarely 很少 | Sometimes 有时 | Frequently 频繁 |
Contact your familyand friends联系您的家人和朋友 | | | | |
Make new friendsonline在网上结交新朋友 | | | | |
Acquire academicknowledge获取学术信息 | | | | |
Acquire fresh news获取最新资讯 | | | | |
Pass the time打发时间 | | | | |
Follow celebrities了解名人动态 | | | | |
Express your views表达个人见解 | | | | |
矩阵行1 | | | | |
To what extent you agree or disagree with each following statement. 您在多大程度上同意或反对以下说法?
| Strongly agree强烈同意 | Agree同意 | Neutral中立 | Disagree反对 | Strongly disagree强烈反对 |
I prefer to use socialmedia that many of my friends use it我更喜欢用一个有很多朋友在用的社交媒体 | | | | | |
I prefer to use social media, which need to register by using real personal information我更喜欢用一个需要真实资料注册的社交媒体 | | | | | |
I prefer to use media, which keep developing functions我更喜欢用一个不断开发新功能的社交媒体 | | | | | |
I prefer to use socialmediain my firstlanguage我更喜欢用一个自己母语的社交媒体 | | | | | |
I prefer to use foreign social mediathanChinese social media相比于中国社交媒体,我更喜欢用国外社交媒体 | | | | | |
I prefer to use social media, which connectwith other websites我更喜欢用一个跟其他网站连接的社交媒体 | | | | | |
I think social media isa way to know aperson's personality我觉得社交媒体可以了解一个人的性格 | | | | | |
I think social mediahas change my life我觉得社交媒体改变了我的生活 | | | | | |
To what extent does following social media satisfies your needs ? (5 start is fully meet your needs)以下社交媒体在多大程度上满足您的不同需求?(5颗星为完全满足)
| Communicate/Socialization交流/社交需求 | Research/Informationacquisition研究/信息获取 | Entertainment娱乐 | Self expression自我表达 |
Facebook | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Renren 人人 | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Weibo 微博 | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |
Twitter | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ |