是否会选择更加智能的手机 Do you want to choose more smart phone
你希望未来的手机有什么功能 what functions of phone do you want in the future
拥有更加完善的摄像,照相功能 have more perfect camera in the phone
拥有更加智能的操作系统 have smarter operating system
拥有更方便的沟通方式 have a more convenient communication system
拥有更方便利于人们阅读,看电影,休闲的一些辅助功能 have more convenient functions for people to read, watch movies and other auxiliary functions.
你对现在的智能手机有什么顾虑 Do you have any concerns for today's smart phone
拥有一些隐藏的收费陷阱 have some hidden trap charge
废电,废流量 waste electricity and traffic
手机比较容易出现问题 be easy to have some problem
其他 others
你现在使用的手机品牌 what brand of smart phone for now
苹果 Apple
三星 Samsung
索尼 Sony
其他 others
选择手机的价格区间 what price would you choose your smart phone
5000以上 more than 5000
是否会去尝试拥有更新颖功能的智能手机 Do you want to choose a phone with more new technology
选择一款手机, 你最看重什么功能 What do you care about when you want to buy a smart phone
外观 shape
品牌 brand
耐用性 durability
价格合理 reasonable price
拥有投影功能的手机是否会引起你的兴趣去购买 A smart phone with projection function can increase your interest to buy or not
请给出一些对如今的智能手机的看法并且给出对未来手机的期望 Please give us some views about today's smart phone and what kind of phone do you want in the future.