What is your age? Please write in the blank.您的年龄?请填写在空白处。
What is your gender? 您的性别?
How often do you drink Coca-Cola? 您多久喝一次可口可乐?
Daily 每天一次
Weely 每周一次
Bi-weekly 每周两次
Monthly 每月一次
Seldom 几乎不喝
Never 从不喝
What beverage do you often drink? Please rank them in order. 您经常喝那一种饮料?请按 顺序 选择。
1=Always. 总是 2=Often. 经常 3=Sometimes. 有时 4=Seldom. 很少 5=Rarely never.几乎没有
Soda Drinks (Such as Cola, Sprite ect.) 苏打饮料(比如可乐,雪碧等)
Juice 果汁
Milk Drinks 乳制饮料
Tea Drinks 茶饮料
Energy Drinks(Such as Red Bull...) 能量型饮料(比如红牛等)
Which factor is more important when you buy cola? 当您买可乐时哪个因素比较重要?
Brand 品牌
Price 价格
Taste 口味
No special factor 没有特别的原因
Which size of Cola do you prefer? 那一种容量的可乐您更喜欢?
250ml (Glass) 玻璃瓶
330ml (Can) 罐装
500ml (Normal Bottle)普通瓶装
2L(Family Bottle)家庭装
Which taste of Cola do you prefer? 您更喜欢那一种口味的可乐?
Fei-Chang Cola 非常可乐
Coca-Cola 可口可乐
Pepsi 百事可乐
Where do you often buy Coca-Cola? 您经常在那里购买可口可乐?
Retail Store 零售店
Restaurant 饭店
Supermarket 超市
Vending Machine 自助售货机
Which sale promotion strategies do you prefer? 那些促销手段您比较喜欢?
Win a free Cola 再来一瓶
Draw a lottery activity 抽奖活动
Exchange virtual item online 网络虚拟物品兑换
Discount 打折
Gift or Present 礼物或赠品
Which factor is most important when you buy Coca-Cola? Please rank them in order. 当您购买可口可乐是最重要的因素是什么? 请依次排序。
1=very important非常重要 2=important重要 3= not very important不是非常重要 4= slightly important稍微重要 5= hardly important基本不重要 6.not important 不重要
Pakaging 包装
Brand history 品牌历史
Price 价格
Taste 口味
Celebrity/Star Spokesman 明星代言人
Follow the fashion 跟随时尚
What do you think about online expressions Coke used on the package? 您对可口可乐包装纸采用网络用语怎么看?