About virtual job interview software关于虚拟职业面试的软件

Gender 性别:
Male 男
Female 女
Grade 年级
Year 1 大一
Year 2 大二
Year 3 大三
Year 4 大四
Major 专业:
Accounting 会计
Finace 金融
Business Management 工商管理
Mathematics 数学
Biology 生物
Physics 物理
Architecture 建筑
Language 语言
Other 其他
Do you have any work experience? 你有任何工作经历吗?
Part-time job 兼职
Internship 实习
Both 都有
Neither 都没有
How did you find it/ them? 你怎么找到这项工作的?(多选)
Online via job searching websites 网上找工作的网站
Newspaper or magazine 报纸或杂志
Someone introduced me 他人介绍
Other 其它
Did the job require an interview? 这项工作有面试吗?
How do you feel about job interview? 你对工作面试有何看法?
feel nervous but not reject it 感到紧张但是不排斥
feel a little nervous and accept it with pleasure 会紧张但是欣然接受
Strongly dislike it 非常不喜欢
Like it and think it provides an opportunity to show myself 喜欢并且觉得这是一次展示自己的机会

If there is a company establishing a website  especially for university students to look for jobs with the latest informaion, providing a virtual job interview software from kinds of famous companies and enterprise and setting up a experience and service center in your university, will you be interested?

如果有公司创建了一个专门为大学生找工作、实时公布最新消息的网站,,提供一个模拟很多著名公司企业的面试的体验软件并且在你的学校设立体验服务中心, 你会感兴趣吗?

Yes 是
No 否
Not sure 不确定
Which function do you want the website to have? 你希望这个网站有什么功能?
Show updated information about the job I wanted 关于我心仪工作的最新消息
Release the recent interview questions 公布最近各公司的面试题目
Help to match the most suitable job for me with my personal profile 根据我的个人资料帮我匹配最适合的工作
Check strictly about the truth of the information 严格把关信息的真实性

If you have to pay the annual fee for the membership, how much are you willing to pay?


RMB 10-30 for Year 1 2 studentsRMB 30-50 for Year 3 4 students
RMB 30-50 for Year 1 2 studentsRMB 50-70 for Year 3 4 students
If it is not free, i will not be a member 如果不是免费,我就不注册了

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