On the Familiarity with Names: Basic Mutual Understanding within English class in college

thank you for your time and energy, to guarantee the authenticity of this

 questionnaire, you may click in front of the option which you think has  best 
describes yourself !

how long have you been English classmates to each other ?

one year
two years
somewhere between one year and two years
don't remmber

can you tell the exact number of students in your  English class?

yes,sure thing
not really, but i pretty much know an approximate number
you got me , i hardly know i would care about the that

how are the seats in the classroom arranged for the students ?

the teacher calls the shot
we sit as we please

among all the students  , whom you are comparatively more familiar with ?

those who are in my administrative class
students sitting around me when we are having english class
both above
other situation

having been studying together all this time , how would you classify the

degree of intimacy between you and your classmates ?
Ⅰ it feels like we've just made our acquaintance
Ⅱ she /he is the person i long know ,but there isn't much interaction going on
Ⅲ we are old acquaintace already
Ⅳ soul mates

imagine you and your friend are wandering on the campus, you run into one of your classmate, and your friend seems to be anxious to know the person's name , based on   your present understanding  of your classmates , what's the odds of getting   the right name?  or ,if put another way, what's your average 

 familiarity with  you classmates   ?

  hypothetically say you have 50 classmates , write down the  number of names you think you are able to match the right face with


are you aware of your familiarity  with your classmates' names ?

yes , these names have been announced hundreds of times
no , i thought i've managed to remmber them all , apparently i was wrong
yes, i am just not good with names
no , nor do i care, names doesn't matter that much after all , you can always greet someonewithout knowing their names

were you to given a chance to start English class all over again, would you

like to makes some minor changes so that you could get to know your  
classmates  better?
yes , definitely ,i want to know more about them
why bother , things are fine just the way they are
not sure , will it make any difference?

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