what is your grade?
do you know what is the business english writing?
yes ,i know it better.
i have heared about it
i don’t know what is it.
do you have some interesting in this course?
have you know about or study about the business english writing?
do you satisfied with the course in our college?
very satisfied
mild satisfied
not satisfied
how do you think about your study about this course?
how do you think about our textbook abou this course?
what way do you think is the best way to teach the course?
english teaching
chinese teaching
english and chinese teaching
do you have more time to practice your business writing after class?
no time
what is your dream for your career in the future?
an english teacher
a translator
business assistant
export trader
else( )
why do you choose this course?
employment demand
study abroad demand
textual research demand
credit demand
hobbies and interests
else( )
what do you think is lack of your ability?
listening ability
reading ability
speak skill
writing ability