您的出生年月?(What's your date of birth?)
您有几个小孩? (How many child do you have?)
1个 (One)
2个 (Two)
3个 (Three)
您小孩的出生年月? (What's the date of birth is/are your child/children)
您是从事什么工作的?(What's your job?)
您的工作性质是什么?(what kind of job are you in?)
兼职 (Part time)
全职 (Full time)
临时工 (Temporary)
您小孩是否和你一起在你工作的城市? (Does your child live with you?)
您一般会多久回家陪孩子一次? (How often will you back home and be with your children? )
每周末回家一次陪孩子(Each weekends will be together once)
每个月回家两次陪孩子 (Each month will be together twice)
每个月回家陪一次孩子 (each month will be together once )
每逢节假日就回家陪孩子 (Each holiday will be together )
每逢过年才能陪着孩子 (Each spring holiday will be together)
您一般多久陪孩子出去玩一次 (How often will you play with your children)
每天都陪着孩子 (Everyday)
每个周末都陪着孩子 (Every weekends)
每个月都会一起出去玩 (Every month)
有节假日都一起出去玩(Every holiday)
每年至少一起出去玩一次 (Once every year)
您觉得您在家庭中扮演的什么角色?【多选】 (What kind of role are you in your family? Multi)
家庭妇男 (House-husband)
帮着做家务 (Do housework)
经济支柱 (The financial supporter)
付出更多时间给工作 (Caring more on work)
付出更多时间给家庭 (Caring more on family)
严父 (Strict father)
慈父 (Kind father)
其他 (Other)
请问您看过"爸爸去哪儿“这个综艺节目么?( Have you watched “where are we going, daddy”?)
为什么没有看呢?( why did not watch it?)
听说过,但是觉得没意思 (Heard about it, but think it is meaningless)
听说过,但是很忙,没时间看 (Heard about it, but too busy to watch)
没听说过 (Don't know this reality TV )
你看过多少期呢? ( How many episodes did you watch?)
只看过一期 (Only one)
两期 (Two)
三期 (Three)
四期 (Four)
五期 (Five)
六期 (Six)
多于六期,但没看完 (More then six, but not all)
全部看完 (All of them)
对于节目中的父亲,您最喜欢,印象深刻的是哪位呢?( Which dad is you favorite and inspired you most?)
林志颖 ( Zhiying Lin )
郭涛 (Tao Guo)
田亮 (Liang Tian)
张亮 (Liang Zhang)
王岳伦 (Yuelun Wang)
印象深刻的理由是什么呢?(the reason of being inspired)
您觉得“爸爸去哪儿”这个节目对对中国传统父爱文化有多大的影响力呢?0是没有影响,5是有很大的影响力(How much do you think the impacts of “where are we going, Daddy?” on fatherhood culture of china, evaluate it from level 0 to 5.)
您觉得“爸爸去哪儿”对于您作为父亲这一角色在各方面的影响力有多大?(How much do you think the impacts of "where are we going, daddy" have on you in different elements?)
教育孩子的方式(The way of educating your children) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
和孩子的相处方式 (The way you get along with your children) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
和孩子相处的时间分配(The time you spend on your children) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
对孩子表达爱的方式 (The way you express your love to children) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
您觉得“爸爸去哪儿”为什么会对您或者社会有或者没有一定的影响力?(Why do you think "where are we going, daddy" have or do not have impacts on you or the society?)
| 非常不赞同 (Strongly disagree) | 不赞同 (Disagree) | 中立(Neither agree nordisagree) | 赞同(Agree) | 非常赞同(Stronglyagree) |
是关于真实生活的真人秀(It is about the real life) | | | | | |
提供多种真实生活中的信息(Give you all sortsof information about life | | | | | |
真实生活题材会引起共鸣(fathers viewers could resonate tothe program | | | | | |
娱乐性质太浓烈(is justentertainment) | | | | | |
对于以下对于“爸爸去哪儿”的描述你是否赞同(How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following elements about "where are we going, daddy?")
| 非常不赞同(Stronglydisagree) | 不赞同(Disagree) | 中立(Neither agree nordisagree) | 赞同(Agree) | 非常赞同(Stronglyagree) |
这个节目都是明星,表演成分太大(fathers are celebrities) | | | | | |
老爸们表现的很真实(Fathers act the same on TV as in reallife) | | | | | |
老爸们作秀和真实表现,能够很清楚的看出来(it is easy to tell the difference between fathers' real act or being re-created for TV) | | | | | |
孩子们在镜头前逐渐失去童真(Children are losinginnocence) | | | | | |
你喜欢或者不喜欢"爸爸去哪儿"的哪些方面?(what do you like or dislike about "Where are we going, daddy?")
| 喜欢(Like) | 不喜欢(Dislike) |
爸爸和孩子们上交科技的设备一起生活两天(Seeing them living without moderncomforts.Eg. Telephone.) | | |
爸爸们为孩子做饭的环节(Watching fatherscook) | | |
爸爸们完成村长交代的任务(Watching fathers do the tasks set by TV makers) | | |
爸爸之间互相竞争(Watching fatherscompete with each other) | | |
爸爸们教育孩子(Watching fathers educate theirchildren) | | |
爸爸和孩子们一起做游戏(Watching fathers play withchildren) | | |
孩子们独立完成任务 (Watchingchildren finishtaskswithout fathers) | | |
孩子们被询问自己对爸爸的感觉(Watching children being questionedaboutthefeeling of fathers) | | |
爸爸们聊对于节目的感想(Talking about the program in chatrooms) | | |
爸爸和孩子们的举动全方位24小时录制(fathers and children were in camerafor 24hours | | |
您作为一个父亲和节目中有相同经历,这样的经历会让你觉得这个亲子真人秀节目更加感兴趣趣还是更加没有兴趣呢?(You as a father have the same personal experience, do you find this reality program about fatherhood more interesting or less interesting?)
很大程度的增加了兴趣(Much more interesting)
增加了一点兴趣(A litter more interesting)
没有什么区别(Makes no difference)
减少了一点兴趣(A little less interesting)
大大减少了兴趣(A lot less interesting)
第二期制作您还会收看么?(Would you watch the second season of "where are we going, daddy?"