1. 您的姓名是?What's your name?
2. 您的英文名是?What's your short name?
3. 您的生日?When is your birthday?
4. 您的性別?What's your gender?
5. 您的手機號碼是?(澳門)What's your phone number?
6. 您的Email是?What's your Email adress?
7. 您就讀於哪所大學?Which university are you from?
8. 您的現在的年級是?What's your grade?
9. 您現在所就讀的專業是?What's your major?
10. 除了英文,你是否會第二門外語?Can you speak other foreign languages except English?
11. 若有,請填寫第二門外語的能力。If you can speak other foreign languages, please write down the name of the langhuages.
12. 加入我們以後,您更傾向於在哪個部門工作?Which department do you prefer to join?
oGCDP(海外志願者項目出境交流部)OutGoing Global Community Development Program
iGCDP (海外志願者項目入境交流部)InComing Global Community Development Program
oGIP (海外實習項目出境交流部)OutGoing Global Internship Program
Marcomm (品牌與市場營銷部)Marketing Communication
TM (人力資源部)Talent Management
Finance (財務部)
13. 您為什麼想要加入我們?Why do you want to join us?
14. 您之前有過leadership的經歷嗎?Do you have any experience about leadership?
Team leader
Vice president
15. 您之後想要出國交流嗎?(海外志願者,海外實習項目)Do you want to join our OutGoing exchange pragram?
16. 您之前參加過AIESEC的活動嗎?Have you ever attended any activities about AIESEC?
17. 您是從什麼渠道瞭解到AIESEC的?How do you know about AIESEC?
社交網絡 Social Network
校內宣傳 Campus Promotion
朋友推薦 Recommendation from Friends
其他 Other
18. 您之前是否報名過AIESEC的任何項目?Have you joined any programs in AIESEC?