
Dear fellow international tour guides:  
      这是关于成都英语导游的跨文化交流能力的调查。本问卷旨在了解成都市英语导游的跨文化交际能力, 此调查结果将用作改进旅游行业教育和导游培训方法。此问卷为匿名问卷, 不会泄露您的任何个人信息。请结合自己的实际情况填写。您真诚的合作是我们科学研究的重要基础, 也是对我们的大力支持和鼓励! 非常感谢您的合作!

This questionnaire is about a survey of intercultural communicative competence of international tour guides in Chengdu. Thank you for your time dedicated to fill this form. The questionnaire was designed to understand the intercultural communicative competence of international tour guides in Chengdu, and the survey results will be used to improve the tourism education and staff training methods. It is an anonymous questionnaire, which will not disclose any of your personal information. Please fill in with your own actual situation. Your sincere cooperation is the basis of our research, and also a huge support and encouragement! Thank you for your cooperation!

A. Basic Information
1. 性别: 
2. 您是否具有英语导游资格证书? 
   Do you have the international tour guide’s certificate?2.
是 yes
否 no
3. 您是否参加过跨文化交流相关培训?
   Have you ever take the relative training courses of Intercultural Communicat    ion?
是 yes
否 no
4. 您从事英语导游的年限?
   How long have you been working as international tour guide?
A 无 never
B1年以下less than 1 year
C 1-3年1 to 3 years
D 4-6年4 to 6 years
5. 您的平均每年接待外宾数:
   The average number of annual foreign guests you receive: 
6. 您的英语语言水平?(请在每项后注明具体级数或分数): 
   What’s your English language level? (please write the specific level or band    score after each choice) :
A 全国大学英语等级考试(四级/六级) CET
B 英语专业(四级/八级) TEM(4/8)
7. 您的教育程度:
   Your education level:
A 初中、 高中或中专high school or secondary school
B 大专junior college
C 本科bachelor
D 硕士master
E 博士phD
B. Intercultural Communicative Competence Survey

请认真阅读下面每项题目, 然后在题目后方相应选项处做出选择。 每题只能选一个答案, 请勿漏选、 多选。 我们会对调查的结果严格保密, 请不要有所顾虑, 谢谢合作!

Please read the following sentences carefully before you choosing the relevant number. There will be only one answer for each choice. The survey result will be kept safe by us, so please don’t hesitate and give us your real answer. Thank you again for your cooperation! 
注: 问卷中提到的 “跨文化交际”都是指以“与以英语为母语的人进行的交流”。 
Notice: the “intercultural communication” mentioned in this questionnaire is the communication with foreigners who speak English)
非常不同意strongly disagree 不同意disagree 不确定not sure 同意agree 非常同意strongly agree
1.与不同文化背景的人交流,我会不带文化偏见地倾听。I can listen without prejudice when communicate with people from different cultural background.
2. 与不同文化背景的人交往,我能够开放坦诚地与别人沟通。I can communicate openly and sincerely communicate with people from different cultural background.
3.与不同文化背景的人交流,我知道什么情况下可以分享自己的个人感受。I know under which circumstances that I could share my personal feelings when communicate with people from different cultural background.
4.与不同文化背景的人沟通,我能用对方接受的方式表达我的情绪。I can express myself with the appropriate way when communicate with people from different cultural background.
5.我愿意花时间和精力与外国人交往。I would like to spend time and efforts to communicate with foreigners.
6.我愿意尽我所能了解外国人,并与其建立联系。I would like to know foreigners with my best effort and keep in touch with them.
7. 即使我的英语水平并不好,我也很乐意去和外国人交流。I’d like to talk with foreigner even though my English is poor.
8.在带团过程中,我有服务意识。I have serving awareness when I am guiding the foreigners.
9. 我了解并掌握旅游专业知识。I am familiar with the specific tourism knowledge.
10.我已了解一些英语国家文化的基本特点。I’ve already understood the basic cultural features of English speaking countries.
11.我了解中国文化的特点。I know the features of Chinese culture.
12.与不同文化背景的人交往,我非常注意观察文化上的差异。I pay attention to the cultural differences when communicate with people from different cultural background.
13.与不同文化背景的人交往,我能察觉其言行举止如何受到文化的影响。I could tell the cultural influence of people from different cultural background in their behavior and words.
14.与不同文化背景的人交往,我尽可能多的获得信息。I try to gain more information when communicate with people from different cultural background.
15.与不同文化背景的人交往,我欣赏谈话对象与我之间的文化差异。I appreciate the cultural differences when I communicate with people from different cultural background.
16.我尽可能不带偏见地对待其他文化的价值观。I try to respect the cultural value of other culture without prejudice.
17.对于来自其他文化背景的人,我持开放态度。I have an open attitude towards people from other cultural background.
18.我能用英语毫无困难地与人谈话。I can communicate in English without any problem.
19.我能听懂英语的电视或广播新闻。I can understand TV or radio news in English.
20.在工作中,我能用英语进行书面沟通。I can communicate in English in writing form for work.
21.在跨文化交流时,我能使用身体语言或非语言方式。I can use non-verbal way in intercultural communication.
22.与不同文化背景的人交流,我会留心对方的情绪变化。I can notice the emotional changes of the people from different cultural background in communication.
23. 与不同文化背景的人交流,我知道何时该自己或对方说话。I know when to speak or stop when communicate with people from different cultural background.
24.在跨文化情境中,我知道根据不同情境选择合适的沟通方式和态度。I can choose different communicating methods and attitude in different intercultural communication context.
25.与不同文化背景的人交流,我能适应话题从自己熟悉的领域转向不熟悉领域。I can adjust to the subject shift from familiar to unfamiliar field in intercultural communication.
26.与不同文化背景的人沟通,能迅速找到共同话题。I can find things in common in communication with the people from different cultural background.
27.与不同文化背景的人沟通,我能捕捉对方所谈的重要信息。I can capture the key message of the people from different cultural background.
28.与不同文化背景的人沟通,我能提出问题以获得需要的信息。I can raise question to get needed information in intercultural communication.
29.与不同文化背景的人讨论或辩论,我能清晰地表达自己同意或不同意观点。I can express the points that I agree or disagree in a debate with people from different cultural background.

10题 | 被引用7次
