非常不同意strongly disagree | 不同意disagree | 不确定not sure | 同意agree | 非常同意strongly agree | |
1.与不同文化背景的人交流,我会不带文化偏见地倾听。I can listen without prejudice when communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
2. 与不同文化背景的人交往,我能够开放坦诚地与别人沟通。I can communicate openly and sincerely communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
3.与不同文化背景的人交流,我知道什么情况下可以分享自己的个人感受。I know under which circumstances that I could share my personal feelings when communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
4.与不同文化背景的人沟通,我能用对方接受的方式表达我的情绪。I can express myself with the appropriate way when communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
5.我愿意花时间和精力与外国人交往。I would like to spend time and efforts to communicate with foreigners. | |||||
6.我愿意尽我所能了解外国人,并与其建立联系。I would like to know foreigners with my best effort and keep in touch with them. | |||||
7. 即使我的英语水平并不好,我也很乐意去和外国人交流。I’d like to talk with foreigner even though my English is poor. | |||||
8.在带团过程中,我有服务意识。I have serving awareness when I am guiding the foreigners. | |||||
9. 我了解并掌握旅游专业知识。I am familiar with the specific tourism knowledge. | |||||
10.我已了解一些英语国家文化的基本特点。I’ve already understood the basic cultural features of English speaking countries. | |||||
11.我了解中国文化的特点。I know the features of Chinese culture. | |||||
12.与不同文化背景的人交往,我非常注意观察文化上的差异。I pay attention to the cultural differences when communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
13.与不同文化背景的人交往,我能察觉其言行举止如何受到文化的影响。I could tell the cultural influence of people from different cultural background in their behavior and words. | |||||
14.与不同文化背景的人交往,我尽可能多的获得信息。I try to gain more information when communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
15.与不同文化背景的人交往,我欣赏谈话对象与我之间的文化差异。I appreciate the cultural differences when I communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
16.我尽可能不带偏见地对待其他文化的价值观。I try to respect the cultural value of other culture without prejudice. | |||||
17.对于来自其他文化背景的人,我持开放态度。I have an open attitude towards people from other cultural background. | |||||
18.我能用英语毫无困难地与人谈话。I can communicate in English without any problem. | |||||
19.我能听懂英语的电视或广播新闻。I can understand TV or radio news in English. | |||||
20.在工作中,我能用英语进行书面沟通。I can communicate in English in writing form for work. | |||||
21.在跨文化交流时,我能使用身体语言或非语言方式。I can use non-verbal way in intercultural communication. | |||||
22.与不同文化背景的人交流,我会留心对方的情绪变化。I can notice the emotional changes of the people from different cultural background in communication. | |||||
23. 与不同文化背景的人交流,我知道何时该自己或对方说话。I know when to speak or stop when communicate with people from different cultural background. | |||||
24.在跨文化情境中,我知道根据不同情境选择合适的沟通方式和态度。I can choose different communicating methods and attitude in different intercultural communication context. | |||||
25.与不同文化背景的人交流,我能适应话题从自己熟悉的领域转向不熟悉领域。I can adjust to the subject shift from familiar to unfamiliar field in intercultural communication. | |||||
26.与不同文化背景的人沟通,能迅速找到共同话题。I can find things in common in communication with the people from different cultural background. | |||||
27.与不同文化背景的人沟通,我能捕捉对方所谈的重要信息。I can capture the key message of the people from different cultural background. | |||||
28.与不同文化背景的人沟通,我能提出问题以获得需要的信息。I can raise question to get needed information in intercultural communication. | |||||
29.与不同文化背景的人讨论或辩论,我能清晰地表达自己同意或不同意观点。I can express the points that I agree or disagree in a debate with people from different cultural background. |
10题 | 被引用7次