天津喜达屋酒店服务质量调查问卷(Starwood Hotels Service Quality in Tianjin, China Questionnaire)

Dear Sir/Madam: 
Thank you very much for your time to take part in the questionnaire research. The researcher is a master student from Hotel Management School, Maastricht. This questionnaire is only used for the master graduation research (Starwood Hotels Service Quality in Tianjin, China). It will not reveal any of your private information; therefore, we hope to see the most true ideas from you. Thanks again for your attention and assistant. Best Wishes! 
Part One – Your Basic Information
男 (Male)
女 (Female)
年龄 (Age)
18 – 25
25 – 35
35 – 45
国籍 (Nationality)
第二部分 —— 您所下榻的天津喜达屋酒店的基本信息: 
Part Two – Basic Response about Service Quality of Starwood Hotels in Tianjin:
(Have you ever stayed in any Starwood Hotels in Tianjin?)
从未住过 (Never)
天津瑞吉 (St.Regis Tianjin)
天津利顺德大酒店 (The Astor Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin)
天津威斯汀 (Westin Tianjin)
天津喜来登大酒店 (Sheraton Tianjin)
(From above brands, which one is you mostly satisfied with?)
天津瑞吉 (St.Regis Tianjin)
天津利顺德大酒店 (The Astor Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin)
天津威斯汀 (Westin Tianjin)
天津喜来登大酒店 (Sheraton Tianjin)
(From above brands, which one is you mostly dissatisfied with?)
天津瑞吉 (St.Regis Tianjin)
天津利顺德大酒店 (The Astor Hotel, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin)
天津威斯汀 (Westin Tianjin)
天津喜来登大酒店 (Sheraton Tianjin)
第三部分 ——您所下榻的天津喜达屋酒店客户服务质量满意度调查: 
Part Three - Detail Response about Service Quality of Starwood Hotels in Tianjin 
(Please make comments to the hotel which you are mostly satisfied with:)
非常同意(Strongly agree) 比较同意(Slightly agree) 中立(No strong opinion) 比较不同意(Slightly disagree) 非常不同意(Strongly disagree)
酒店内的设施设备,房间,餐厅以及各个公共区域都完整和舒适。 In the hotel, the facilities (building, rooms, dining area, public areas) are very attractive and comfortable.
酒店内的员工穿着打扮都大方得体,令人赏心悦目。 The employees’ appearance is neat and professional.
无论是在餐厅还是客房以及各个公共区域每一项服务都能及时抵达。Service is very prompt.
酒店员工随时都能解答我的疑问并且让我满意。Employees are readily available to answer my questions and concerns
酒店总是能完美的完成我的需求。 I can always receive exactly what I would like in the way I request.
我每一次入住都能体验到相同地高标准服务。Service here is consistent every time I stay.
酒店内的员工都很懂礼貌和礼节。Employees are courteous and respectful.
酒店员工能随时尽可能满足我的特殊要求。 Employees are ready to address any special needs I have.
酒店的员工是真心实意在为我服务并让我感到满意。Employees really have customer satisfaction in heart.
酒店员工能够记住我的个人尊称并适当使用。Employees give me personal attention.
酒店员工对每一位客人都一视同仁,并竭力记住客人的个人爱好并尽力满足之。 Employees treat all customers alike without favoring some.
酒店内的餐饮令人满意。Food and beverage is excellent in this hotel.
我将来还会选择入住这家酒店。I will continue choosing this hotel in the future.
我会像亲友推荐这家酒店。I will recommend this place to my family and friends.
(Please make comments to the hotel which you are mostly dissatisfied with:)
非常同意(Strongly agree) 比较同意(Slightly agree) 中立(No strong opinion) 比较不同意(Slightly disagree) 非常不同意(Strongly disagree)
酒店内的设施设备,房间,餐厅以及各个公共区域都完整和舒适。 In the hotel, the facilities (building, rooms, dining area, public areas) are very attractive and comfortable.
酒店内的员工穿着打扮都大方得体,令人赏心悦目。 The employees’ appearance is neat and professional.
无论是在餐厅还是客房以及各个公共区域每一项服务都能及时抵达。Service is very prompt.
酒店员工随时都能解答我的疑问并且让我满意。Employees are readily available to answer my questions and concerns
酒店总是能完美的完成我的需求。 I can always receive exactly what I would like in the way I request.
我每一次入住都能体验到相同地高标准服务。Service here is consistent every time I stay.
酒店内的员工都很懂礼貌和礼节。Employees are courteous and respectful.
酒店员工能随时尽可能满足我的特殊要求。 Employees are ready to address any special needs I have.
酒店的员工是真心实意在为我服务并让我感到满意。Employees really have customer satisfaction in heart.
酒店员工能够记住我的个人尊称并适当使用。Employees give me personal attention.
酒店员工对每一位客人都一视同仁,并竭力记住客人的个人爱好并尽力满足之。 Employees treat all customers alike without favoring some.
酒店内的餐饮令人满意。Food and beverage is excellent in this hotel.
我将来还会选择入住这家酒店。I will continue choosing this hotel in the future.
我会像亲友推荐这家酒店。I will recommend this place to my family and friends.
请您为您最不满意的酒店提出改善意见 (可多选): 
(Please mention what would you like to be improved in the hotel which you think is mostly dissatisfied (options can be chosen more than one). 
提高员工素质 (Improve employees’ quality)
提高餐饮服务质量 Improve the quality of Food and Beverage
改善房内卫生 Improve the sanitation in the rooms
更多 (More):

12题 | 被引用32次
