1. What is your gender? 您的性别?
2.What is your age? 您的年龄?
20 or younger 20岁或20岁以下
50 or older 50岁或50岁以上
3.What reasons do you like to purchase on the
(multiple choice)
Price 价格
Quality 质量
Service 服务
Brand 品牌
Other 其他
4.How familiar are you with the suning.com?
Extremely familiar 极为熟悉
Very familiar 十分熟悉
Moderately familiar 一般熟悉
Slightly familiar 稍微熟悉
Not at all familiar 不熟悉
5.Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using
service, neither satisfied or dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it? 总体来讲,您在苏宁易购上购买体验的满意度如何?
Extremely satisfied 极为满意
Moderately satisfied 一般满意
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 没感觉
Moderately dissatisfied 不太满意
Extremely dissatisfied 极为不满意
6.How much do you trust the suning.com as a transaction platform?
A great deal of trust 极为信任
A lot of trust 很信任
A moderate amount of trust 一般信任
A little trust 少许信任
No trust at all 完全不信任
7.How engaging is the design of the website? 苏宁易购的网站设计吸引您吗?
Extremely engaging 非常有吸引力
Very engaging 很有吸引力
Moderately engaging 吸引力一般
Slightly engaging 略有吸引力
Not at all engaging 完全没有吸引力
8.Was your experience with customer service on the
suning.com better than you expected it to be, worse than you expected it to be,
or about what you expected it to be? 在苏宁易购上服务体验比您期望的如何?
A great deal better 比期望值好很多
Somewhat better 比期望的好一点儿
About what was expected 和期望的差不多
Somewhat worse 有点儿失望
A great deal worse 很失望
9.How reliable are the service on the website?
(e.g. replacement, warranty and maintenance service)
您认为苏宁易购的服务可靠吗? (例如:包换,保修和维修服务)
Extremely reliable 极为可靠
Quite reliable 十分可靠
Moderately reliable 一般可靠
Slightly reliable 有些可靠
Not at all reliable 完全不可靠
10.How much do you trust the security of the website's
online checkout process? 您对苏宁易购在线支付的安全性放心吗?
A great deal of trust 绝对放心
A lot of trust 很放心
A moderate amount of trust 基本放心
A little trust 勉强放心
No trust at all 根本不放心
11.How well do you feel the
website protects your privacy? 您认为网站在保护您的私人信息上做的怎么样?
Extremely well 非常好
Quite well 十分好
Moderately well 中等
Slightly well 略好
Not at all well 非常不好
12.Would you say that customer service representative
your problem or answered your question quickly, slowly, or neither? 网上的卖家回应您的问题速度如何?
Extremely quickly 十分迅速
Somewhat quickly 有点儿快
Neither quickly nor slowly 正常
Somewhat slowly 稍慢
Extremely slowly 非常慢
13.How likely are
you to recommend the website to others? 您会向他人推荐这个网站吗?
Extremely likely 极为有可能
Quite likely 十分有可能
Moderately likely 一般可能会
Slightly likely 也许会
Not at all likely 完全没可能
14.Do you think that the community aspect of the site
adds positively to the overall experience of the website? 网站有一个类似于论坛的社区(消费者可以分享购物的心得)会给您带来更好的购物体验?
Strongly Agree 非常同意
Agree 同意
Neutrality 中立
Disagree 不同意
Strongly Disagree 完全不同意
15.How likely are you to purchase again on the suning.com
in the future? 将来您还会光顾苏宁易购吗?
Extremely likely 绝对会
Quite likely 十分可能
Moderately likely 一般会
Slightly likely 也许会
Not at all likely 没有任何可能