您的年龄 Age
16≤ age <20
20≤ age <25
25≤ age <30
30≤ age <35
35≤ age <40
40≤ age <45
45≤ age <50
您的职业 Occupation
学生 Student
教师 Teacher
公司职员 Clerk
商人 Businessman
其他 Other
Which place do you prefer to read at in your spare time?
传统书店(仅提供书籍,如新华书店)Traditional book stores (where only books are provided)
咖啡厅Coffee bar
概念书店(提供书籍和饮品糕点的休闲场所)New standard book stores (where books, beverage and food are all provided)
家/宿舍Home/ Dormitory
Please rank reasons that attract you to go to New standard book stores.
书籍 Books
座位 Seats
食物 FoodBeverage
文艺(文化)Phenomenon (Culture)
How much money would you pay if you plan to buy a drink in this place?
<10 RMB
10 RMB≤ money <20 RMB
20 RMB≤ money <30 RMB
≥30 RMB
How much time do you spend in reading in your spare time of a day?
<1 hour
1≤ time <3 hours
3≤ time <5 hours
≥5 hours
Will you share or discuss a book which you think it is good with someone else?
What do you think about exchanging books with someone else?
感兴趣 Interested
无所谓 Neutral
不感兴趣 Not interested
Would you like to read and communicate with a group of people who have the same taste for books with you?
愿意 Yes
无所谓 Neutral
不愿意 No
What do you think about taking your own books for reading?
我喜欢自带书籍 I like it.
无所谓 Neutral
我不喜欢自带书籍 I don't like it.