关于冰桶挑战的调查问卷 Questionnaire on The Ice Bucket Challenge

感谢每个热心并勇敢戳进来的小伙伴,演讲课作业帮个忙muuuua!!💦 冰桶挑战又名肌萎缩侧索硬化症基金会冰桶挑战赛,活动规则是参与者必须自被点名24小时内完成从头顶上浇下一桶冰水的挑战,否则就要向ALS基金会捐款。 The Ice Bucket Challenge is also called ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on one's head within 24 hours after nomination or donating to the ALS Association.
1.你听说过冰桶挑战这个活动么?Have you heard of The Ice Bucket Challenge?
是 Yes
否 No
2.在这个活动席卷社交网络之前你有听说过“渐冻症”(肌萎缩侧索硬化症)吗?Had you ever heard about ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)before this game went viral throughout social media ?
是 Yes
否 No
3.你是否有被点名参与这项冰桶挑战并且是否接受了这个挑战?Have you ever been nominated for The Ice Bucket Challenge and did you take on the challenge to dump a bucket of ice water on your head?
没有被点到名 Haven’t been nominated
被点到名了但是实际没有做 Have been nominated but didn’t do it
被点到名了也的确把这个活动传递下去了Have been nominated and passed it on
4.在这个活动席卷社交网络之后你是否有上网搜索了解关于“渐冻症”的信息和这项活动具体的内容?Have you searched on the Internet about what ALS is and what the activity is exactly about after this game went viral social media?
一点也没有 Not at all
有做过简单的搜索(比如“渐冻症”的全称、它的基本症状等)Have searched for it briefly (like the full name of ALS, what its symptom is simply like, etc.)
通过搜索获得了更多关于“渐冻症”的信息(比如患者群体的现状、大概估计的患者总人数、某个具体的病例等。)Get more knowledge about ALS through your search (like the current situation of the patients suffering from ALS, a rough estimate about the patients’ population, an specific case of one patient, etc.)
通过搜索获得了更多关于“渐冻症”的信息,并持续关注了这项公益活动的捐款资金流向 Get more knowledge about ALS through your search and keep on paying close attention to the movements of the donation
5.如果你有被点名参与这个挑战,你接受或者拒绝没有做的原因?如果你没有被点名参与这个挑战,如果有人点了你,你是否会接受么?为什么呢?For those who have been nominated for the challenge, the reason you refused/accepted the challenge? For those who haven’t been nominated, if someone nominates you for this, will you accept it? Why or why not?
6.你是否认同这项活动作为一种新形式有助于推进公益事业的发展?Do you agree this activity is helpful in promoting the public cause as a new mode?
非常认同Strongly agree
比较认同 Mildly agree
中立 Neutral
比较不认同Mildly disagree
强烈反对Strongly disagree

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