上海市复旦大学附属中学的高中生活Second Year of High School Life of Students inHigh School Affiliated to Fudan University

From Monday to Friday, when do you usually get up?
5点以前 (Before 5 am)
5点—6点 (5am to 6am)
6点—7点 (6am to 7am)
7点以后 (After 7am)
How long does it take you to finish your homework after you go home?
1小时以内 (Within an hour)
1小时—2小时 (One to two hours)
2小时—3小时 (Two to three hours)
3小时—4小时 (Three to four hours)
4小时—5小时 (Four to five hours)
5小时以上 (More than five hours)
When do you usually go to bed?
10点以前 (Before 10pm)
10点—11点 (10pm to 11pm)
11点—12点 (11pm to 12am)
12点以后 (After 12 am)
How much time do you exercise every week?
1小时以内 (Within an hour)
1小时—3小时 (One to three hours)
3小时—5小时 (Three to five hours)
5小时以上 (More than five hours)
How many tests or quizzes do you have in a  week?
3次以内 (Less than three times)
4次—8次 (Four to eight times)
8次以上 (More than eight times)
The happiest part of the school is?
考试取得好成绩 (Getting good grades)
被老师认可被家长表扬 (Getting compliments from parents and teachers)
参与校内活动(班会,表演,社团等等)(Participating in school activities)
结识朋友 (Making friends)
其他 (Other)
What bothers you at school?
课堂中无法专心听讲 (Cannot concentrate in class)
考试成绩不理想 (Not getting good grades)
来自父母的压力 (Pressure from parents)
与老师相处不好 (Not getting along with teachers)
升学的压力 (Pressure from Gaokao)
与同学的关系 (Relationships with friends)
过于忙碌劳累 (Too tired)
感到前途迷茫 (Feeling helpless about future)
其他 (Other)
Most of the pressure you feel comes from?
升学 (Gaokao)
家庭 (Family)
朋友 (Friends)
老师 (Teachers)
其他 (Other)
Have you ever experienced a time when you felt very depressed and lost confidence because of bad grades on tests?
有 (Yes)
没有 (No)
Do you think what you've learnt in high school is important and useful? Why or why not?
大 (Yes)
不大 (No)
Do you think the gaokao will affect you future? To what extent? Why?
很重要 (Very important)
一般般 (So so)
不重要 (Not important)
Are you going to study abroad in your senior year? If you are, why?
会 (Yes)
不会 (No)
Do you think less homework would help you learn better? Why?
Do you take extra classes on weekends? How many hours in total? In which subject areas?
If you could change one thing in your high school life, what would you change?
Do you think it would be more effective if you got to choose the track that you want to develop in your first year in high school? Why?

更有帮助 (Yes)
没有帮助 (No)
What track do you plan to choose? What do you plan to major in college?
What is your ethnic?
Rank from the most important thing to the least important thing to you in high school
友谊 (Friendships)
学习知识 (Learning knowledge)
考上好大学 (Going to a good college)
让人生经历更丰富 (Enriching my life)
未来能找一个好的工作 (Finding a good job in the future)
学校的活动锻炼了自己的能力 (Become more independent)
让家长达成“望子成龙望女成凤”的梦想 (Satisfying my parents)
对你的高中生活进行评价 (1表示最少最简单,5表示最多最难)
Give points to your overall high school life (lowest or easiest is 1 point, highest or hardest is 5 points)
作业量 (The amount of homework) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
学习难度 (Difficulty of studying) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
学习压力 (Pressure of studying) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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