The factor of perceived behavior control while SME adopting e-commerce.

Top management support.
Very good Good Neither good nor bad Bad Very bad
The situation that your enterprise arrange someone to work on e-commerce.
The situation that your enterprise set up network and relevant technical measures of e-commerce security system
Enterprise size
Very large(¥400 million) Large(¥300 million) Neither large nor small(¥300 million) Small(¥100 million) Very small(¥100 million)
Your enterprise asset size
Enterprise size
Too much(1000) More(500) Neither more nor less(300) Less(100) Very little(100)
Staff number
Enterprise size
Very large(¥100 million) Large(¥50 million) Neither large nor small(¥30 million) Small(¥10 million) Very small(¥10 million)
Your enterprise annual sales
The scale of investment in e-commerce.
Very agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Very disagree
Your enterprise invested too much in the hardware of e-commerce.
Your enterprise invested too much in the software of e-commerce.
Your enterprise invested too much in the human resources of e-commerce.
The information level of your enterprise.
Very perfect Perfect Neither perfect nor imperfect imperfect Very imperfect
The construction of your intranet
The information level of your enterprise.
Very high High Neither high nor low Low Very low
The use ratio of internet of your enterprise
The stategic planning
Very high(Online business transactions) High(Online information consultation and technical support) Neither high nor low(Communication) Low(Advertisement and promotion) Very low(No plan)
E-commerce positioning of your enterprise

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