1.参加了什么环保组织了么?Do you take part in environmental protection organization?
2.看见陌生人的不环保行为会不会制止?Will you stop a stranger's action that is not environmentally friendly?
3.有没有因为北京的雾霾天而减少户外运动?Do you reduce your outdoor sports because of haze in Beijing?
4.是否赞成长期实行APEC期间的减轻雾霾措施?Do you approve that government should take the measures which they took in APEC to reduce the pollution of haze for a long time?
5.会因为北京的空气质量辞掉工作回家吗?Will you resign back to your hometown because of the air quality of Beijing?
6. 对于北京APEC蓝的出现有什么看法?What's your opinion about APEC blue?
7.自己的家乡是怎样宣传环保理念的?How does your hometown promote environmental philosophy?
8.是否放弃了一些以前坚持的环保习惯?有哪些?Do you give up any green habits? Give some examples.
9.你会怎么教育你的孩子保护环境?How do you tell your children about the environmental protection?