Dear Client:Thanks very much for choosing GTec. Together with continuous performance improvements, we also want to listen to your opinions in order to offer better service and make our inspection service best match your needs. You are kindly invited to squeeze your time by 10~15mins and fill in all following blank withany of your comments or suggestions. Thanks a lot for your kindly cooperation.
Client information 客户信息
Company Name 公司/单位名称:
Filled by/Position填表人/职务:
Contact Details 电话/传真:
How did you find GTec? 您是通过以下何种渠道找到深圳国能合创能源技术有限公司的?
Online searching 网络搜索
Exhibition Fair 展会博览会
Sense Website 公司/行业网站
Friends' Recommendation 朋友/熟人推荐
Journals & Magazines 报刊&杂志
Which do you value most when you select a company as a partner for the technology service? 当您选择一家公司提供技术服务时,您认为最首要的是:
Company Reputation 公司声誉
Inspectors' quality ability 技术员素质与能力
Nice coordinate & communicate effectively 有效的协调与沟通
Price & cost 价格与费用
Are you satisfied with our general services? 您对我们的总体服务满意吗?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Unsatisfied 不满意
Are all your correspondences or enquiries timely answered? 您的邮件或咨询是否得到及时回复?
Are your requests responded timely and efficiently? 您的所有请求是否得到及时有效的响应?
Excellent, quick response to our feedback 很好,响应很及时
Good, response within one day after wefeedback 良好,一天内响应
Poor,comes too late 较差,响应迟缓
Do technicions provided by GTec match your requirements? 我们提供的技术人员是否符合您的人员需求?
Well matched 很符合
Matched 符合
Mismatched 不符合
Is our technicions' performance satisfactory to you, if not? 您对我们技术人员的工作表现满意吗?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Unsatisfied 不满意
What do you think our technicions need to do more in the following aspects (multiple choices)? 您认为我们的技术人员还需要在以下哪些方面进行改进与提升(可多选)?
Work attitude 工作态度
Professional knowledge 专业知识
Personalquality 个人素质
Team spirit 团队合作
Sitecommunication 沟通能力
Crisis countermeasure 危机应对能力
Safetyawareness 安全意识
Are you satisfied with our technical report submitted? Is it submitted timely and with good quality? 您对我们提交的技术报告满意吗?报告提交是否及时?质量如何?
| Very good 很好 | Good 好 | Ok 一般 | Poor 较差 |
Speed 速度 | | | | |
Quality质量 | | | | |
Is the currently payment terms convenient to you? 您认为我们目前的付款方式是否便利?
Do you think our service is valuable for your company or your target customer? 您认为我们的服务对您的公司或目标客户有价值吗?
Very valuable 非常有价值
OK 一般
Not valuable 无价值
What do you think GTec can do more in the following aspects in order to continue our cooperation (multiple choices)? 要保持持续的良好合作关系,您建议国能合创应该在哪方面做进一步的改进(可多选)?
Stay the same 保持现状
Inspectors' quality & ability 检验员素质与能力
Services Price 价格
Expenses ( 费用(如交通费等)
Report quality 报告质量
Responsive promptness 沟通的及时性
Inspectors' distribution and configuration 人力资源配备
Broaden business cooperative scope 扩大业务合作领域
Would you like to remain cooperation ship between us for technical requires? 您是否愿意与我司继续保持技术合作关系?
Very pleasure 非常乐意
Maybe if possible 可能,有机会的话
No, never 不会
Would you like to recommend us to other companies? 您是否愿意将我们推荐给其他公司?
Very pleasure 非常乐意
Maybe if possible 可能,有机会的话
No, never 不会
Welcome to list any other comments below about technical service, price, and accuracy and so on. 更多关于技术服务、价格、准确性等的评论或建议: