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对你来说,什么是安全食品? (选2个) What does food safety mean for you? (Choose two answers)
当你去超市你会选择什么食品? (选择一个) When you go to supermarket what do you look for?
你经常去哪里买食物? (选择1个) Where do you usually buy food? (Choose one answers)
当你在超市选择食品时候有看过标签吗? (选择1个) When you select food in a supermarket do you read the label?
什么可以让你身体健康? (选择1个) Which one can make you body healthier? (Choose one answers)
你一般使用什么途径购买食品? (选择1个) Where do you buy food? (Choose one answers)
什么可以帮助我们选择健康的食品?(选择2个) What could help you to choose better healthy products? (Choose two answe
13题 | 被引用3次