Dear All,
Thanks for attending 2014 Annual Dinner as well as your enthusiasm and commitment.
To better organize the company events for the future. Please take a few minutes and complete the
Ardex 2014 Annual Dinner Survey before 28th Jan.
Thanks for your attention and cooperation.
Admin & HR
参与者名字 Participant's Name | 所属部门 Dept | |
可匿名、不填写/Optional | ____________ | ____________ |
1. 您及时收到活动邀请函。
You received well the invitation letter of event.
2. 您去活动现场的交通安排的合理。
Your transportation was organzied well.
3. 年会场地很好。
The event place was a good location.
5. 晚会的节目及流程安排的很好。
Annual Dinner agenda and all programs were organzied well.
4. 团队建设活动很有意义。
Team activities was interesting.
6. 年会奖品很丰富、实用性很高。
The prizes were abundant and very useful.
7. 所有的设施,例如投影仪,音响设备很完善。
All facilities were in good conditions (Projector, sound field..).
8. 食物很好吃。
Foods / Meals were delicious.
9. 所有人都很尽兴。
Participants enjoyed the event.
10. 总体来说,活动已经达到我的预期了。
Overall, the event exceeded my expecation.
1. 您最喜欢哪个主题(环节)?为什么?
Which of the topics were MOST LIKE to you? Why?
2. 对于下一次的活动您有什么好的建议。
Any good suggestion for next event?
14题 | 被引用0次