
欢迎参加本次答题,新年快乐,羊年吉祥,咩咩哒 (Happy New Year)
您所在的高校(Your University/college)
您的专业(Your speciality)
您的年级 (Your grade)
本科生 undergraduate student
研究生 postgraduate student
博士生 doctor
博士后 postdoctor
您的性别 (Your sex)
男 male
女 female
您经常参加志愿服务吗 (How often do you take part in voluntary work)
很经常,有空就去 very often, once available
每周一次 once in a week
每月一至两次 once to twice per month
不经常,其他事情比较多,心有余而时间不足 not very often, occupied by other things
不乐衷于参加志愿活动,浪费时间 not willing to participate in such voluntary work which is a waste of time
其他,如每学期一次,一年一次等 others, like once in a semester or once in a year
您觉得哪些因素制约您参加志愿活动 (What factors keep you from taking part in voluntary work?)
时间不够 do not have enough time
不了解有哪些志愿活动 not clear about various voluntary activities
觉得志愿活动意义不大 look down upon it
觉得志愿活动的影响力有限 the influence of voluntary work is limited
other reasons
您所在学校的品牌志愿活动( Famous or significant voluntary activities in your university)
您所在学院的品牌志愿活动 (Famous or significant voluntary activities in your college)
您觉得专业知识与志愿活动的结合紧密吗 (whether speciality is closely connected with voluntary work)
非常紧密,能充分运用自己所学的知识,例如发挥自己的语言优势,应用力学、经济学、管理学知识等 very close
挺紧密的,有时会用到 sometimes apply specialty knowledge to voluntary work
并非十分紧密,觉得专业知识与志愿活动是分开的 specialty and voluntary work are separated
志愿服务主要锻炼自己的做人处事的能力,如沟通能力basic abilities like communicating ability rather than specialty are more valued
其他 others
您觉得当下的志愿活动存在哪些问题 (Problems existed in voluntary work)
大学生的参与热情不高 low participation rate
志愿服务的效率不高 low efficiency
针对性与时效性不强 not targeted nor timely
社会影响力小 small influency in society
专业化、具体化不明显,中学生甚至也能胜任大学生所做的志愿服务 specialty and concretion are not clear, high school students are also competent for voluntary subject of university students
耗时、影响自己的课余时间 time-consuming
其他 other problems
您所参加的志愿服务 (Voluntary work you have done so far)
国家级的 national    ____________
省级的 provincial    ____________
学校组织的 organized by university    ____________
学院组织的 organized by college    ____________
青年志愿者协会举办的 held by Young Volunteers Association    ____________
家乡的 in your hometown    ____________
社团组织的 organized by variousassociations    ____________
学生会等学校机构组织的 held byStudent Council    ____________
您对志愿服务的意见或建议。或者展望志愿服务的明天,您希望它朝哪些方向发展 (Your ideas or suggestions or blueprint of voluntary work)

12题 | 被引用4次
