What do (did) you like to do most in the playground? (multiple-choice question )你最喜欢游乐场里的哪些设施?(多选)
Swing 秋千
Slide 滑梯
Climb Apparatus 攀爬设施
Seesaw 跷跷板
Play in sand 沙坑
Other 其他
None 无
Describe your favourite social game (multiple-choice question ) 描述你最喜欢的集体性游戏 (多选)
Hide and seek 捉迷藏
Rope skipping 跳长绳
Hopscotch 跳房子
Other 其他
None 无
Which makes you feel afraid ? (multiple-choice question )你恐惧哪些游戏设施?(多选)
High 恐高
Dirty 脏
High density 高密度
Enclosed space 密闭
Other 其他
None 无
What is the acceptable distance between you and your parents when you are playing? 孩子在玩耍时距离家长多远觉得安全?