Dear friends,
My name is Yuyao, a master student from ESC RENNES.
Here is an questionnaire from my graduating project , for collecting data and information from Chinese book market and the consumer behavior.
I sincerely invite you to participate in this investigation, your valuable opinions and experiences will help a lot
你是否有阅读书籍的习惯?Do you have the habit of reading books?
在过去的一年里你是否购买过书籍? Have you ever buy books in the past year?
你购买书籍的类别是(多选)? What kind of books you buy?
文学 literature
艺术/音乐 Arts/Music
娱乐 Entertainment
旅游 Travel
科学 Science
哲学 Philosophy
时尚 Fashion
语言 Language
其他 Others
你购买书籍的动机是(多选)? Motivation/Reason
兴趣爱好 Interests
学习需要 Academic needs
工作需要 Professional needs
礼物 Gifts
打发时间 To pass the time
无意中购买 By accidentlly
是作者的铁杆粉丝 As a loyal fans
其他 Others
你购买书籍的渠道是(多选)? Where to buy?
大型书店 Large bookstores
小书店 Private small bookstores
网络 Internet
书报亭 Newsstand
其他 Others
你的平均课外书月阅读量为多少? How many books you read per month?
你通过何种方式选择书籍? How do you choose a book?
自己判断 Choose by yourself
别人推荐 Recommend by others
如果是别人推荐,谁对你影响比较大呢(多选)? If you choose ''recommend by others'', who are them?
导师 Supervisor/Teacher
长辈 Parents
朋友 Friends
同事 Colleague
其他 Others
你认为阅读书籍的好处是(多选)? What you gain from buying and reading books?
知识技能的获得 Knowledge
开阔眼界 Open eyesight
充实闲暇时间 Enrich lives
培养气质 Training temperament
其他 Others
什么样的元素会促使你主动购买一本书呢(多选)? What kind of element you concern most of when you buya book?
设计/品牌/外观 Design/Brand
内容 Content
人气 Reputation/Best seller
作者 Author
其他 Others
你购买书籍的预算是(每月)? Budget spend on books per month?
无预算 Non
无设限 No limitation
100元以下 Under 20 euros
500-100元 (80 -150 euros)
1000-2000元 ( 150 to 300 euros)
2000元以上 (Over 300 euros)
其他 Others
你的教育背景是? Your education background?
小学 Primary school
初中 Middle school
高中 High school
本科 Postgraduate
硕士 Master
博士及以上 Doctor
你的年龄是?Your age?
您所在的城市是? Where are you from?
你的职业? Your profession?
白领/教师 white collar/Teachers
蓝领/工人 blue collar/Workers
自主创业者/企业主 Enterpriser/Businessman
自由职业者 Freelancer
学生 Student
家庭主妇/主男 House wife/Husband
其他 Others