1. The lesson was well organized 您觉得课程设置是否合理
2. The teacher was well prepared for class 您觉得教师准备是否充分
3. The aims of the lesson were clear 您觉得本课教学目标是否明确
4. The teacher’s instructions were clear 您觉得教师的课堂用语是否清楚易懂
5. The teacher’s explanations were clear 您觉得教师解答问题是否清楚明了
6. The teacher’s approach was supportive 您觉得教师是否采用鼓励式教学方法
7. The teacher encouraged student participation 您觉得教师是否引导您的课堂参与
8. The teacher gave feedback on student performance 教师对您的课堂表现有无给予评语
Comments /suggestions (lesson content, class organization, teaching performance etc) 意见或建议(课堂内容,课程设置,授课表现等)