Survey to Logistics Directors of SCI

Welcome to this survey. The National University of Singapore (NUS) and Save the Children International (SCI) have a long standing collaboration, and as part of this collaboration, SCI is conducting a joint research with NUS to explore further opportunities with the existing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for logistics throughout the organization. This survey will have a direct impact on Logistics KPI implementation throughout the organization. Thank you very much for taking the time to answer the following questions
Your work location?
B I have not got country code
Does your country programme use the following tools?
Procurement Tracker
Yes All field sites
Yes Some field sites
No none
Warehouse Report?
Yes All field sites
Yes Some field sites
No none
Fleet Report?
Yes All field sites
Yes Some field sites
No none
Asset Register?
Yes All field sites
Yes Some field sites
No none
Are you aware or know about the Logistics KPIs and KPI tracker?
Are you using it?
When you start to use it?
Why this is not possible?
Do you think it was useful for you to understand KPIs better, including purposes, targets, and formulas?
Yes, it was very helpful
Not very helpful
No, it was useless
What could have made it more useful?
Do you have any problems when you collect data or information to fill the KPI trackers?
Yes, I came across some problems
No, It is easy to collect information
What kind of problems you came across during your work?
The trackers tools are used or fully completed
The information in the trackers is wrong
Information delay
  How do you find calculating the Procurement KPIs?
Very difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
What is your biggest difficulty and why?
Shortage of information – the trackers tools are used or fully completed
Invalid information – the information in the trackers is wrong
Information delay
l  What suggestions (if any) do you have for improving the ease for collecting the KPIs?
  How do you find calculating the Warehouse KPIs?
Very difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
What is your biggest difficulty and why?
Shortage of information – the trackers tools are used or fully completed
Invalid information – the information in the trackers is wrong
Information delay
What suggestions (if any) do you have for improving the ease for  calculating the KPIs?
  How do you find calculating the Fleet KPIs?
Very difficult
Neither difficult nor easy
What is your biggest difficulty and why?
Shortage of information – the trackers tools are used or fully completed
Invalid information – the information in the trackers is wrong
Information delay
What suggestions (if any) do you have for improving the ease for  calculating the KPIs?
After calculating KPIs, do you understand the meaning signals (red, amber, green) shown from KPIs? 
What action should you take if your KPI shows Red?
Ignore it and wait to see if it improves next month
Inform your line manager
Read the narrative report for more explanation and wait to see if itimproves next month
Read the narrative report, contact the person responsible for thefunction and ask for an analysis of why the performance dropped, and (ifrequired) what actions they are taking to improve the performance
Is this classification system  important and useful?
Yesit is useful and I use it to take action
Yes it is useful but I donot use it to make take action
No it is not useful
Why this classification system is not useful, please give some explanation?
Do you think you have received enough training to understand and use KPIs system?
What other training or support do you need?
What have been the biggest challenges with introducing KPIs?
Not enough time to train staffon how to use the tool
TheKPIs are too complicated
My line manager does not thinkKPIs are useful
Collecting the informationtakes too long
Therehave been no challenges
Do you think the KPIs below have achieved their purposes?
Procurement plan ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
StockExpiry Management ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fleet usage ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Who is your line manager (position, not name)? 
Do you share the KPI report with them?
How useful does your line manager find the report?
Could you suggest why?
Have you discussed or mentioned Logistics KPIs with other departments?
what was their response/how have they received it?

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