Research on Advertising Techniques of McDonald’s in Hong Kong and Guangzhou关于麦当劳在广州及香港的广告手法的研究调查

​Thank you for your kindness in assisting in the study. The purpose of this questionnaire is to enhance the objectivity in identifying the major/attracting-audience elements of the television commercials (TVCs) of McDonald’s in Hong Kong and Guangzhou.    


Please watch the TVCs provided before filling in the questionnaire. You will be asked to name the elements of the TVCs that you recognize and remember, as well as to express your views on the TVCs. Your information given will be kept to academic use only.


多谢您抽出时间完成问卷。这问卷的目的是提升研究中辨别广告元素的客观度。请先看完广告影片,再填写问卷。问卷的题目主要分为‘辨别广告中的元素’及 ‘表达你的观点’两部分。你所提供的答案及资料只会用于学术研究。


Personal Details 个人资料:

1. Age  年龄: 

61 or above61岁或以上
2. Gender 性别
Male 男
Female 女
3. Identity 身份
Hong Kong resident 香港居民
Guangzhou resident 广州居民
mainland Chinese other than Guangzhou residents 除广州居民以外的中国大陆人
4. Are you a parent? 您是一位家长吗?
Yes 有

Identify TVC’s elements 辨别广告中的元素

5. From your observation, what major colour tone does the TVC use?


6. Please rate the following items/people based on how eye-catching are they. (1: least eye-catching, 5:most eye-catching,click X if you do not see the items at all)请根据以下物/人吸引眼球的程度,为他们评分 (1:极不吸引眼球, 5:极吸引眼球,X:该物/人并未出现在广告中)
1 2 3 4 5 X
voice-over 旁白
chicks 小鸡
Children 孩童
Logo of McDonald's 麦当劳商标
Others (if any, please specify in the following question)其他 (如有,请在下题注明)
7. Please specify the item you have rated in the‘others' section in the previous question (if any).  请注明您在上题‘其他’一列中给予评分的物/人 (如有)
8. Please write the slogan(s)/phrase(s) used in the TVC.
9. Please rate the following themes based on how eye-catching are they. (5: most eye-catching, 1:least eye-catching, click X if you think the theme is not conveyed at all)请根据下列主题在广告中的吸引程度,为它们评分 (1:极不吸引, 5:极吸引,X:该主题并未出现在广告中)
1 2 3 4 5
Worthiness of the product 产品价值非凡
Following/Not interfering with the natural growing process of animals 要遵循动物的自然生长过程
McDonald's is a humane company 麦当劳是一间人道的公司
Others(if any, please specify in the following question)其他 (如有,请在下题注明)
10. Please specify the theme you have rated in the‘others' section in the previous question (if any).请注明您在上题‘其他’一列中给予评分的主题 (如有)

Express your views 表达你的观点/感想

11. Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5 (1: totally disagree, 5: totally agree) 请为下列陈述评分 (1:非常不赞成,5:非常赞成)

1 2 3 4 5
1. The TVC has provided me with enough informationabout the product. 该广告提供了足够产品资讯。
2. I would like to watch the TVC again 我希望再看该广告一遍。
3. I would like to buy the product after watchingthe TVC 看完该广告后,我希望买当中的产品。
4. Purchasing McDonald’s products will make me feelhappy 购买麦当劳的产品会让我感到快乐。
5. Thequality of McDonald’s products is promised麦当劳的产品质量是受到保证的。
6. McDonald's has high morality. 麦当劳有很高的道德准则。
7. The content shown in the TVC is a lie. 广告中的内容是一个谎言。

Identify TVC’s elements. 

12.From your observation, what major colour tone does the TVC use?


Warm 暖色调
Cool 冷色调
13. Please rate the following items/people based on how eye-catching are they. (1: least eye-catching, 5:most eye-catching, click X if you do not see the items at all)请根据以下物/人吸引眼球的程度,为他们评分 (1:极不吸引眼球, 5:极吸引眼球,X:该物/人并未出现在广告中)
1 2 3 4 5 X
burger 汉堡
ingredients of burger 制作汉堡的食材
couple 情侣
Male Celebrity 男名人
Female celebrity 女名人
Price of the food 食品价格
Others (if any, please specify in the following question)其他 (如有,请在下题注明)
14. Please specify the item you have rated in the‘others' section in the previous question (if any). 请注明您在上题‘其他’一列中给予评分的物/人 (如有)
15. Please write the slogan(s)/phrase(s) used in the TVC.请写下广告中的标语/口号。
16. Please rate the following themes based on how eye-catching are they. (5: most eye-catching, 1:least eye-catching, click X if you think the theme is not conveyed at all) 请根据下列主题在广告中的吸引程度,为它们评分 (1:极不吸引, 5:极吸引,X:该主题并未出现在广告中)
1 2 3 4 5
Individual Happiness 个人快乐
The products are cheap 产品很便宜
Others(if any, please specify in the following question)其他 (如有,请在下题注明)
17. Please specify the theme you have rated in the‘others' section in the previous question (if any).请注明您在上题‘其他’一列中给予评分的主题 (如有)

Express your views 表达你的观点/感想

18. Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5 (1: totally disagree, 5: totally agree) 请为下列陈述评分 (1:非常不赞成,5:非常赞成)

1 2 3 4 5
1. The TVC has provided me with enough informationabout the product. 该广告提供了足够产品资讯。
2. I would like to watch the TVC again 我希望再看该广告一遍。
3. I would like to buy the product after watchingthe TVC 看完该广告后,我希望买当中的产品。
4. Purchasing McDonald’s products will make me feelhappy 购买麦当劳的产品会让我感到快乐。
5. McDonald’s food is cheap麦当劳的食品很便宜。
6. Thequality of McDonald’s products is promised麦当劳的产品质量是受到保证的。

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