Nice to meet you, I am HealthPro Service Technican: Lin Sen, please evaluate my service, thank you for your cooperation~
请在此填写您的产品购买订单号/Please fill in your Invoice Number below
(举例:BJHO2015040001/For Example: BJHO2015040001)
货品配送前,售后服务专员是否与您确认预计抵达时间?Has the service technican confirmed with you about the roughly time of arrival before the delivery?
您对货品送达时间是否满意? Are you satisfied with the delivery time?
很满意/Very Satisfied
一般/Just Ok
不满意/Not Satisfied
售后服务专员是否为您讲解净化器使用方法与注意事项,并提醒妥善保存用户手册和保修卡?Has the service technician told you how to use the air purifier and matters need attention, and reminded you the Product Manuel and Warranty Card shoud be properly kept?
您对售后服务专员的全程服务是否满意? Are you satisfied with all of the service by our service technician?
很满意/Very Satisfied
一般/Just Ok
不满意/Not Satisfied
您是否愿意将我们的产品推荐给亲朋好友? And you willing to referral IQAir to your friends or company?
如果您还有其他宝贵意见,请您告诉我们,这对于我们改进服务非常重要!谢谢!If you have any other suggestions, please let us know, this means a lot to us to improve our service, thank you!