Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire客户满意度问卷

Welcome to the answer 欢迎参加本次答题
Gender? 性别?
Male 男性
Female 女性
What is the brand of your mobile phone? 你的手机是什么牌子的?
Nokia 诺基亚
Motorola 摩托罗拉
Sony Ericsson 索尼爱立信
Samsung 三星
iPhone 苹果
MI 小米
Meizu 魅族
Others 其他
How long have you had the phone? 你的手机用了多久了?
Less than 6 months 少于6个月
6-12 months 6到12个月
13-18 months 13到18个月
19-24 months 19到24个月
More than 24 months 大于24个月
How do you like the overall performance of the phone? 你喜欢手机的整体性能?
Very Satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied 有满意的,也有不满意的
Dissatisfied 不满意
Very Dissatisfied 非常不满意
Which function of the phone do you like most? 你最喜欢手机的哪个功能呢?
Calendar 日历
FM Radio 收音机
Photo taking 拍照
MP3 playingMP3播放
MP4 playingMP4播放
Internet access互联网接入
Games 游戏
Other 其他
Have you ever used the phone's after-saler service? 你用过手机的销售后服务?
Yes 有
No 冇

6题 | 被引用3次
