Jiaozuo Daxing chemical water treatment company
Welcome to this answer, I promise not to give out personal information, we hope to participate.
Do you think this company what type of product?
New sewage treatment system
New sewage treatment agent
New filters can be developed
The new filters
New chemical materials
Do you think this can be carried out in other areas of cooperation with any other company?
Steel Products
Cement Products
Plastic Products
Other areas
Do you think this company needs to develop new products in environmental protection it?
This company in the commodities what products can be used in place of?
Production can be used for living in sewage treatment
The kitchen can be used for sewage treatment thinning
By ion processing network domestic water filtration
Do you think this company is satisfied with the service, please scoring.
Satisfaction ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not satisfied ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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