您的年级是? what is your grade?
大一 year 1
大二 year 2
大三 year 3
您能接受的价格范围? how much can you accept?
100元 less than 100 yuan
100~300元 between 100 and 300 yuan
300元 more than 300 yuan
您希望女装店开在什么地方? where would you hope that the shop located in?
会同村新小镇附近 around new campus
学二附近 around no.2 dining hall
其他 any else
您希望在这里买到什么? what would you want to buy here? (请排序 点击即可排序)
上衣 coat
连衣裙 dress
裤子 pants
半身裙 skirt
正装 suit
礼服 cocktail dress
would you want to buy the cheap but poor-quality one or the expensive but good-quility one?
便宜质量较不好 the cheap but poor-quility one
偏贵质量较好 the expensive but good-quility one
无所谓,好看就行了 it doesn't matter
您喜欢哪类色彩的服装? what kinds of color would you prefer?
灰色调,中性色 neutralcolor
黑白色调 Black and white
鲜艳程度高的 colorful
If you decide to buy clothes in this shop, how many will you buy always?
单件 just one
多件 several
套装 a suit of clothes
自行搭配一套 a suit of clothes matched by yourself
您会因为什么因素经常光顾一家店? what factor will you decide to always buy clothes in that shop?
服装适合自己的品味 the clothes are suitable your taste
更新频率快 the update frequency is fast
服务态度好 good service
经常有打折活动 here are often discounts