Beijing International Cultural Exchange Center

The purpose of the following questionnaire surveyis to find ways to better promote intangible cultural heritage to the publicand improve our service.
1.How would you like to comment on the overall performance of the event:
Good, as it helps me understand intangible culturalheritage better
Excellent, as it deepens my understanding ofintangible cultural heritage and it enables me to know the essence of thelegacy.
Plain, as it doesn’t make me feel interested in thesubject, but the exhibition itself is acceptable.
Bad, as it fails to interest me at all.
2.What exhibition items interest you most?
Traditional arts, skills and TCM.
Operas, sports and acrobats.
Video clips of intangible cultural heritage.
 3.How often would you like to see an event like this?
As often as possible to promote intangible culturalheritage
Occasionally to keep people aware of intangible culturalheritage
Don’t care, not interested at all.
4.What kind of Beijing cultural heritage interest you?
Peking opera
Traditional snacks
TCM regimen
Game and recreational
Famous artists and their works
5.What kind of service are looking forward to?
Exhibition of famous artists and their works
Latest information and news of the cultural industry
Organizing more cultural events
Introduction of more cultural projects
 6.Other information and suggestions
Thank you for taking time participating in our survey. The information you share with us will certainly help to improve our service so that we can better promote Chinese culture and serve to strengthen cultural times between China and the world, eventually to create a borderless world for culture and civilization.
1.How would you like to comment on the overall performance of the event:
Good, as it helps me understand intangible culturalheritage better
Excellent, as it deepens my understanding ofintangible cultural heritage and it enables me to know the essence of thelegacy.
Plain, as it doesn’t make me feel interested in thesubject, but the exhibition itself is acceptable.
Bad, as it fails to interest me at all.

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