Feedback Sheet for COO First Management Development TrainingCOO首次管理团队培训发展活动调查反馈表

Hello, you just received a job training delivered under the training plan of the company.


your appreciation for the training delivered is important. The objective is twofold:


1) Aim for continuous improvement of the training process, the training contents and the supports issued where appropriate 在适当情况下力争持续改进培训过程、培训内容以及培训支持。

2) If necessary, complete your training to better suit your needs 如果需要,完成培训以更好的满足你的需求。

Thank you in advance for the time you will take this survey提前对你参加此次调查表示感谢。

1.Generally speaking, do you find that the training was satisfying?总体来讲,你认为本次培训是否令人满意?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
2.Was the duration of the training adapted to the needs?培训持续时间是否适应需求?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
3.Were the material/logistic conditions of this training satisfying?本次培训的材料/后勤条件是否令人满意?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
4.Did you receive enough training documents?你是否收到足够的培训材料?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
5.Do you assess the quality of training materials adequate?据你评估,培训材料的质量是否足够好?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
6.To your mind, were the training provided on discussed topics relevant?在你看来,就讨论话题所提供的培训是否切题?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
7.Was the content of the training  relevant regarding your professional needs?培训内容与你的职业需求是否相关?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域
8.Have you received all answers to the questions you ask yourself?你对自己提出的问题,是否都得到了答案?
yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域

9.Do you think, on the basis of this training, now to be trained enough on the topics covered and discussed?在本次培训的基础上,在所涵盖和讨论的主题方面,你认为培训已经足够吗?

yes totally完全赞成
yes but partially部分赞成
not enough不够
not at all完全否定
other comment and Please write it to empty area of Q10 "Suggestions for Improvement" 若有其它评价,请写在下面的Q10“建议改正措施”空白区域

10.Suggestions for Improvement建议改进措施。


11.Please list your next training expectation请列出您下次的培训期望。


12题 | 被引用0次
