您好!为进一步提高南航中转免费酒店住宿服务水平,了解顾客服务需求,提升酒店服务品质,恳请您在百忙之中帮忙填写这份问卷,您的真实想法就是对我们莫大的帮助,您提供的信息对于我们改进服务具有相当重要的意义。 说明:请您根据中转酒店住宿的实际感受选择1-5分,5分最高,1分最低。
Dear passengers,
To assist in improvingthe hotel service for transit passengers of China Southern in Guangzhou, by taking a few minutes to complete this short survey, you will help us to bettersatisfy our customers’ need. Your information will be greatly valued.
Please give a score 1-5 closest to yourfeelings,5 is the best.