We are inviting you to participate this ANONYMOUS survey to make a research of the preparatory gesture of conducting in orchestra and choir. We anticipate that you will complete the questionnaire of taking some minutes. All the data will only be used for statistical analysis. Thank you!
How long have you been in orchestra or choir?
不足1年。Less than one year.
1年。One year.
2年。 Two years.
3年及以上。 Three years or more.
Did you often have rehearsals and performances with orchestra/choir?
幾乎每次。Almost every event.
較多。 Most of them.
一般般。 Not often.
較少。 Few.
Did you often practise by yourself before the rehearsals?
每次排練前都有。Almost every event.
不是經常。 Not often.
偶爾。 Few.
沒有。 Never.
Did you often focus on the conductor's baton/hands when he raised the baton/arms?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
偶爾。 Few.
沒有。 Never.
Where were you looking when the conductor raised the baton?
指揮棒/指揮的手。The baton/hands.
指揮的臉。 Conductor's face.
樂譜。 Sheet music.
自己的樂器。 My own instrument.
Did you often get ready to play/sing the first note when the conductor raised the baton?
每次都是。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
偶爾。 Few.
沒有。 Never.
Did you often breathe in enough when the conductor give an upward motion at the start (the preraratory gesture)?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
偶爾。 Few.
沒有。 Never.
Did you often feel the inhalation of everybody in the preparatory gesture?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
很難感覺到。 Hard tofeel.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often feel the tempo in the preparatory gesture?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
很難感覺到。 Hard tofeel.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often feel the dynamics in the preparatory gesture?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
很難感覺到。 Hard tofeel.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often feel the articulations in the preparatory gesture? (Such as legato, non legato, staccato, ect.)
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
很難感覺到。 Hard tofeel.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often feel the mood in the preparatory gesture?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
很難感覺到。 Hard tofeel.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often feel the style in the preparatory gesture?
每次都有。Every time.
不是經常。 Not often.
很難感覺到。 Hard tofeel.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Where did you often attack to the beat point of the first note by the baton/hands in the case of the music starts on the first beat?
擊拍點前。Before thebeat point.
剛好擊拍點。 Exactly on the beat point.
擊拍點后。 After the beat point.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often miss the first note during the conductor starts to conduct?
每次都是。Every time.
經常。 Often.
偶爾。 Few.
未曾試過。 Never.
Did you often feel your sound to the first note was the same time as the other instruments?
每次都整齊。Every time.
經常整齊。 Often.
偶爾整齊。 Few.
沒有留意。 No idea.
Did you often feel the first note of the choir is _________ the orchestra?
經常提早。 oftenearlier than
同時發聲。 the same time as
經常遲。 often later than
沒有留意。 No idea.
Which instrument or part of voice do you play/sing?