账 号:6236 6814 2000 6528 988
户 名:陈明霞
汇款时请备注营员姓名,付款成功后请短信告知王老师:15305871101 。
*责任申明/ Liability Waiver :
1.我理解,由于万航航海中心活动的性质决定公司将不承担非公司原因造成的任何人员伤害或其他损失。我了解,公司将设法尽量减少风险,保证安全。Iunderstand that owing to the nature of the sporting activity Vanhang SailingCentre cannot take any liability for personal injury or other damages. I understand that the activity will bemanaged to minimise the risks involved.
2.我同意公司有权使用我的孩子在万航航海中心的相关照片,视频和音频材料,因为这些措施可能会给万航航海中心的未来有一定的推广和广告用途。I agreethat photographs, video and audio materials taken while my child is at theVanhang Sailing Centre may be used for reasonable future promotional andadvertising purposes.
3.在活动开始之前,我同意将我孩子的上述医药治疗情况递交于公司组织者。I consentfor a member of staff to administer theabove medication which I will deliver to the group leader before the trip.
4.从现在到与冬令营启动之间,我保证尽快告知组织者,个人的医疗或其他情况的变化。Iundertake to inform the group leader as soon as possible of any change in themedical or other circumstances between now and the start of the summer camp orCourse.
5.在认真考虑目前的医疗权威后,在有必要的情况下我同意我的儿子/女儿接受治疗,包括使用麻醉剂和输血。I agreeto my son/daughter receiving emergency medical treatment, including anaestheticand blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authoritiespresent.
6.我明白,如果自身没有保险,我会为所有因个人行为所导致的损失或伤害的所有费用负责。 I acknowledge that if no insurance policy is provided that I willbe responsible for any fees which are incurred due to personal loss or injury.
(我作为孩子的父母/法律监护人/the parent/legal guardian3of, 允许我的孩子参加上述的航海冬令营和所涉及的全部活动/give permission for my child toparticipate in the above-mentioned Sailing Summer Camp or Course and all of theactivities involved.我同意以上的一般条款和万航航海中心的条件/I agree to the above and the GeneralTerms and Conditions of the Vanhang Sailing Center. )
*冬令营取消条款SummerCamp Cancellation Policy
开营前30天取消可100%全额退款;For cancellations 30 days prior toarrival there will be 100% refund
开营前14-29天内,我们将收取50%费用;For cancellations 14-29 days priorto arrival there will be 50% refund
开营13天内,恕无还款;For cancellations 13 daysand under prior to arrival there will be no refund
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