I intended to leave the company. 我曾经打算离开公司。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I would like to recommend my company to my friends who are looking for work. 我愿意推荐我身边正在找工作的朋友来我的公司就职。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
My daily workload is affordable. 我完全可以承受我的日常工作量。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I like the type of work environment of the company. 我喜欢公司的工作环境
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I can feel concerned from your superiors and colleagues. 我的上级领导和同事都很关心我。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I have the opportunity to talk about your feelings and views to superiors. 我可以向我的上级领导表达我的意见和感受。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
Compared with the same industry company, I think the pay which provided by the company is reasonable. 相比于其他同类型的公司,我认为我的公司所提供给我的薪水是合理的。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
Relative with contribution to the company I made, the pay is reasonable. 公司所支付给我的薪水和我对公司的贡献是成正比的。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I think the proportion of the current wages of your rank and variable pay is reasonable. 我的职位和我所得的绩效和奖金是成正比的。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
Through training, I can know what my career opportunities within the company. 通过公司的培训我可以发现我今后的职业发展机会。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
The training is important to my career. 公司的培训对我的职业生涯很有帮助。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
The company provides the training can help me to get upgrade. 公司的培训某种程度上可以帮助我升职。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I am willing to join the staff activities which organized by company. 我很乐意参加公司所组织的员工活动。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
The latest information of the policy developments the company's can feedback to employees timely.公司最新的策略和措施可以及时的反馈给员工。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
I am proud of the rapid development of the company. 我对公司的快速发展而感到自豪。
Strong Disagree (非常不同意)
Neutral/Neither agreenor disagree(中性/既不同意也不反对)
Agree (同意)
Strong Agree (强烈同意)
Which parts do I think the company needs to improve? 有哪些部分我认为是公司值得改善的。
The Company Activity 公司组织的员工活动部分
Work Environment of the company公司的工作环境
Age 年龄
Below 30 years old30岁以下
30 to 40 years old30岁-40岁之间
Above 40 years old超过40岁
Length of service in the company 在公司的工作了多久
Within 1 year不到1年
1-5 years1-5年之间
5-10 years5-10年之间
Over 10 years超过10年