
您的性别 (What's your gender)
女(Woman )
您的年龄 (What's your age)
18岁以下(Below 18)
18岁~29岁(18to 29)
30岁~39岁(30to 39)
40岁~49岁(40to 49)
50岁以上(Over 50)
您的职业 (Wha's your occupation)
职工(Staff )
请问您的家庭(人民币)月收入属于哪个范围?(May I have your family monthly income falls within the scope of which (RMB)? )
800元以下(Below 800)
801元~2499元 ( 801 to 2499 )
2500元~4499元(2500 to 4499 )
4500元~6499元 ( 4500~6499 )
6500元以上 ( Over 6500 )
您对“汽车保险”有何看法? ( Do you have any comment for "car insurance"? )
很有兴趣并且已购买 (Are interested in and have bought)
不是很感兴趣 (Not interested in)
感兴趣但是不了解 (Interested in but I don't know)
您车辆的价格范围是多少?(How much is your price range of the vehicle?)
如果您想在保险公司进行投保来保障您的爱车,那么影响您选择保险公司的原因有哪些? (If you want to cover in the insurance company to protect your car, what are the reasons that influence you to choose the insurance company?)
保险险种是否是适合我 (Insurance coverage is for me)
保险员工的服务态度 (Insurance staff service attitude)
理赔实效 (Effect of claims)
其他 (Other)
您购买车险的价格范围是多少?(How much is the price range you buy car insurance?)
3000元以下 (Below 3000 )
3001元~5000元 (3001 to 5000 )
5001元~8000元 (5001 to 8000 )
8001元~10000元(8001 to 10000 )
10000元以上 (Over 10000)
您购买的车险产品有哪些?(What are you buy car insurance products? )
交强险 (compulsory insurance for traffic accident of motor-driven vehicle)
全车盗抢险 (Robbery And Theft Insurance)
车辆损失险 (motor vehicle loss insurance)
商业第三者责任险 (Commercial third party liability insurance)
酒驾意外险 (Drunken driving accident risk)
车身划痕险 ( Body scratches risks )
其他 ( Other )
您了解这些险种的价格和理赔权益吗? ( You know the price of these risks and claims rights? )
不了解 (Don't understand )
基本清楚 (fundamental Purge)
非常了解 (Very familiar with)
你选择什么渠道购买车险? (You choose what channels to buy car insurance?)
电话投保 (The phone cover )
4S店投保 ( 4S shop for)
保险公司官方网站 (The insurance company's official website )
保险公司天猫旗舰店 (The insurance company Tmall flagship store )
车险中介代理公司 (Car insurance broker company)
其他 (Other)
您是如何知道车险公司的?(How do you know about car insurance company?)
车险公司促销电话 (Promotion telephone car insurance company)
4S店销售推荐 (4s store sales to recommend)
电视广告 (Television advertising)
网络推广 (Network promotion)
朋友推荐 (A friend recommended)
其他 (Other)
您愿意通过互联网第三方的网上平台买车险吗? (Would you like to a third party via the Internet platform for auto insurance online?)
已经购买 (Have to buy )
愿意尝试 (Willing to try)
不愿意 (Don't want to)
您愿意在互联网第三方车险公司上签写什么信息? (Would you like to third party car insurance company sign on the Internet to write what information?)
姓名 (Name)
联系电话 (Phone)
车牌号 (License plate number)
车辆价格 (Vehicle prices)
驾驶证件号 (Driving certificate no.)
以上都不愿意 (The above are not willing to)
针对汽车保险理赔存在的问题,您对汽车保险理赔这一行业有什么样的建议? (Aiming at the existing problem of auto insurance claims, for your car insurance claims the industry what kind of advice do you have?)

16题 | 被引用25次
