关于大学生在校点外卖情况调查 Investigation on University Students' take out situation in school

你的性别Your gender:
男 male
女 female
你的年级 Your grade
大二 Sophomore
大三 Junior
大四 Senior
你居住的楼层 The floor you live in
1--3 层 ground floor --On the third floor
4--6层The four floor--The six floor
六楼以上 more than six floor
点外卖频率(每周) Take out frequency (every week)
1--3次 one---three
4--6次 four--six
大于6次 more than six
点外卖的原因 The reason for take out
食堂饭菜不可口Canteen food is not delicious
不想出寝室Do not come up with the bedroom
没时间去食堂吃饭No time to go to the cafeteria to eat
在寝室吃饭方便Easy to eat in the bedroom
外卖选择多Take away options
其他 other
点外卖的价格区别 The price difference between point
10元以下Below ten yuan
11至15元11 to 15 yuan
16至20元 16to20 yuan
20元以上 more than 20 yuan
你选择的支付方式 The way you choose to pay
支付宝 alipay
现金 cash
其他 other
你认为外卖是否卫生 Do you think the takeaway is sanitary
是 yes
否 no
你对外卖最顾虑的是什么 What are you most worried about the takeaway
价格 price
卫生Health conditions
送到的时间 time
其他 other
是否支持大学生点外卖 Whether to support the students order
是 yes

10题 | 被引用2次
