关于印尼背包客现象研究的调查This questionaire is about Indonesian backpacker's phenomenon research

if you found this sign :(*)  您可以选择多个答案(you can choose more than one answers)
1.  您是属于哪个地方?(Where did  you come from?)
国家(Country)    ____________
城市(City)    ____________
2.  您的年龄?(Your age  is?)
15岁以下 (below 15years old)
15岁到25岁 (15 years old until 25years old)
26岁到35岁(35 years old until 35 years old)
35岁以上 (more than 35 years old)
3.  性别
男 (male)
女 (female)
4.  您的教育程度?(your level of education?)
本科以下(lower than bachelor)
本科 (bachelor)
硕士 (master)
硕士以上 (higher than master)
5.  您的职业是属于下面的那一项?(from the following options, which one is your  occupation?)
学生 (student)
老师 (teacher)
作家 (artist)
其他 (other)
6.  您的家庭结构?(your family  structure is?)
未婚独居(unmarried and livealone)
未婚并与家人同住(unmarried and livewith family)
已婚,没有孩子(married and have nochildren)
已婚,有孩子(married and have children)
7.  您的旅游动机?(Your travel motivation?)*
观光游览 (Sightseeing)
休闲度假 (Leisure)
商务会议 (Business meeting)
文化交流 (Cultural Exchange)
宗教朝拜 (Religious worship)
探亲访友 (Visiting relatives and friends)
8.  您去过哪些地方?(where have you been before?)
9.  您最喜欢的地方?(what is your favorite place?)*
海滩 (beach)
山 (mountain)
村 (village)
市中心 (downtown)
其他 (other)
10.  什么是您曾经做过的最疯狂的事情?(what is the craziest thing that you have ever done?)
11.  什么是您曾经吃过最奇怪的东西?(what is the strangest  thing you ever eaten?)
12.  您什么时候开始旅行?(when did you start  traveling?)
初中的时候 (when in middle school)
高中的时候 (when in high school)
大学的时候 (when in collage/university)
工作的时候 (when working)
其他 (other)
13.  您旅行最长的时间是有多久? (what is the  longest time you've been traveling?)
一个星期 (one week)
一个月 (one month)
半年 (half year)
一年 (one year)
其他 (other)
14.  您在旅行中的时候会不会想家?(when you were  traveling, have you ever miss your home?)
是 (yes)
否 (no)
15.  您在旅行中会不会想家人或朋友?(when you were  traveling, have you ever miss your family or friends?)
是 (yes)
否 (no)
16.  您是否自己去旅行?(are you traveling alone?)
是 (yes)
否 (no)
17.  您去旅行的时候是在哪里住?(where did  you sleep when you were traveling?)*
饭店 (hotel)
汽车旅馆 (motel)
当地人的家 (people’s house)
车上 (car)
其他 (other)
18.  什么是最影响您的住宿选择的因素?(What affect your choice of accommodation factor the most?)*
价格 (Price)
地理位置 (Location)
服务 (Service)
安全 (Safety)
设施 (Facilities)
环境 (Environment)
其他 (other)
19.  您一个月的收入? (How much is your monthly  income?)
1500元一下 (Under 1500 RMB)
1500元到2500元 (1500 RMB to 2500 RMB)
2500元到5000元 (2500 RMB to 5000 RMB)
5000元到10000元 (5000 RMB to 10000 RMB)
10000元以上 (above 10000 RMB)
20.  您去旅游上回花多少钱?(how much money will you  spend when traveling?)
500元一下 (under 500 RMB)
500元到1000元 (500 RMB to 1000 RMB)
1000元到2000元 (1000 RMB to 2000 RMB)
2000元到3000元 (2000 RMB to 3000 RMB)
3000元以上(above 3000 RMB)
21.  您是怎么和家人或朋友联系?(how did you contact  your family or friends?)*
打电话 (make a phone call)
发短信 (texting)
写信 (write a letter)
发 email (send email)
其他 (other)
22.  您在旅行的时候是自己做饭还是出去买?(when you were  traveling, did you make a meal by yourself or did buy it?)*
自己做 (make it yourself)
出去买 (buy it)
其他 (other)
23.  你从哪里得到有关旅游的信息?(where did you get information about  traveling?)*
旅游社(travel agency)
朋友和亲戚(friends and relatives)
旅游书(travel book)
24.  什么方面最影响您的旅游目的地的选着?(what aspect effect your traveling destination the most?)*
游客设施(tourist facilities)
景区(scenic spots)
25.  您的旅游资源偏好是什么?*
山水风光 (Landscapes)
文物古迹 (cultural relic)
民俗风情 (folk custom)
饮食 (food)

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