关于转基因食品的问卷调查/ A survey of public attitude to GM food

Thank you for answering this questionnaire/欢迎参加本次答题
What is the highest level of  education you have received?/你受到的教育程度是
Primary School/小学
Middle School/中学
High School/高中
You think genetically modified food/你认为转基因食品
is poison/是有毒的
is bad for health/有害身体健康
is good for health/有益身体健康
has no effect on human/对人体没有影响
What do you think is the impact of GM organisms on environment?/你认为转基因生物对环境的影响是
No impact/没有影响
GMOs will break the balance of nature/转基因生物会破坏生态平衡
GMOs may betoxic to non-target organisms/转基因生物对其他自然生物可能产生毒性
Small genetic changes in organisms may produce large ecological shifts/基因上的小改动有可能大幅度影响生态
GMOs can richen the diversity of creatures/转基因生物可促进生物多样性
Do you think genetically modified food should require labeling?/你认为转基因食品需要被注明吗?
Yes, because the consumers have the right to know what they are eating./是的,因为消费者有权知道他们在吃什么。
No, because it is not necessary to label them./不,因为这样没有必要
For other reasons/有别的原因
Which do you think is the advantages of GM food?/你认为以下哪一个是转基因食品的优点?
Provide resistance to crop pests/使作物产生抗虫性
Increase crop yield/增加亩产
Improve the nutrient composition of crops/增加作物的营养成分
As a medicine/作为药物
Have you ever bought any GM food and why?/你买过转基因食品吗?为什么?
Yes, because of the taste/买过,因为味道好
Yes, because of the price/买过,因为价格实惠
Yes, because of the quality/买过,因为质量好
Yes, because of other reasons/买过,因为其他原因
No, because they are unhealthy./没买过,因为它们不健康
No, because of other reasons/没买过,因为其他原因

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