

Thank you very much for your time joining this survey and support onGEA!

您所在的部门 Which department are you in?
2. 对展会主办方的组织、宣传及影响力等方面是否满意? Are you satisfied with the influence and promotion of theorgnizer/association?
满意 satisfied
不满意(烦请说明改进空间)not satisfied(please give suggestions)
对GEA在此次粪污论坛的组织是否满意? How about our Manure seminar?
满意 satisfied
不满意(烦请说明改进空间)not satisfied(please give suggestions)
您在此次展会上接待了多少位客户?How many customers did you serve?
潜在客户数量Potential Customer Quantity     ____________
现有客户数量Existing Customer Quantity    ____________
您在此次展会上获得多少条有效项目信息? How many pieces of effective project information did you obtain?
对GEA在本行业的发展现状及未来趋势提出建议;Give your opinions on present development and future trend of GEA;
对本行业竞争对手的看法;How about our competitors?  

如果您有最新的关于竞争对手的信息资料或图片,请上传分享,谢谢! Please upload and share the lastest information or pictures of our competitors if you have. Thanks!

是否建议继续参加该展会?并请说明原因。Will you suggest continuing to participate this exhibition? Please explain the reason.
您是否建议继续参加该论坛?并请说明原因。Will you suggest continuing to participate this seminar? Please explain the reason.  
其他建议 Any other suggestion

11题 | 被引用1次
