First of all, we would like to thank you for your continuing support to JJL, to improve our service to our partners and customs, we will great appreciate if you could fill in this questionnaire for us. Your comments are very important to us and thank you for your participation!
1、到目前为止,您都参加了哪些JJL展会?Until now,which exhibition of JJL You have participated?
宜昌 Yichang 6.18
海口 Haikou 6.24
广州 Guangzhou 6.25
大连 Dalian 6.25
北京 Beijing 6.25
南宁 Nanning 6.26
佛山 Foshan 6.26
烟台 Yantai 6.26
哈尔滨 Harbin 7.2
深圳 Shenzhen 7.2
杭州 Hangzhou 7.2
长春 Changchun 7.3
东莞 Dongguan 7.3
无锡 Wuxi 7.3
上海 Shanghai 7.9
昆明 Kunming 7.9
邯郸 Handan 7.9
长沙 Changsha 7.10
苏州 Suzhou 7.10
石家庄 Shijiazhuang 7.10
武汉 Wuhan 7.16
常州 Changzhou 7.16
福州 Fuzhou 7.16
南昌 Nanchang 7.17
南京 Nanjing 7.17
厦门 Xiamen 7.17
贵阳 Guiyang 7.17
2、您认为这次展会时间是否合理?Do you think the time is suitable to you?
维持现在展会时间 The current time is good
建议全天展会改成半天展会 The half-day exhibition is better
3、在此次展会中,您平均每站咨询了多少个学生?In those exhibitions, how many students you consulted in average of each exhibition?
4、学生咨询量您是否满意?Are you satisfied with the amount of student counseling?
是 Yes
否 No
Based on your information of the local market, compared to other local agencies, do you think our exhibition is successful?
Please provide your comments or suggestions to our exhibition (if there is any aspects to be improved; please suggest by specifying the branch company).