埃德蒙顿聚龙篮球俱乐部会员申请表Edmonton Dragons Basketball Club (EDBC)membership application

无篮球 不兄弟,是龙,我们就相聚!欢迎加入一个由篮球爱好者组成的非盈利性组织——埃德蒙顿聚龙篮球俱乐部!我们以球会友,本着弘扬中华文化为宗旨,为推广我们爱城的华人篮球运动而努力!
First name
Last name
性别 Gender
男 Male
女 Female
出生日期 Date of birth
日期    ____________
电子邮箱 E-mail
电话号码 Phone number
现在住址 Current address
首选的打球时间 Preferred time
Sundays星期日 10am - 12pm
Sundays星期日 4pm - 6pm
紧急联系人姓名 Emergency Contact Name
紧急联系人电话 Emergency Contact Phone Number
紧急联系人与本人关系 Relationship with Emergency Contact

紧急联系人地址 Emergency Contact Address 

注册协议 Registration Agreement
I have read,agreed and signed the Release, Waiver and Indemnity Form.
I have read the club bylaw and agree to abideby its regulations.
I have read the club policy and agree to abideby its regulations.
I grant to EDBC, its representative the right to take photographs of me and my property,and authorize EDBC to copyright, use and publish for any lawful purpose, includingpublicity, illustration, advertising and web content.
I have paid membership fee.

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