

How was the invitation process managed by your Sales Company


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Organisation of the event in Spain


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Quality of the Kempinski  Hotel


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Quality of the evening restaurant and dinner at Kempinski


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Facilities and Venue of event


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Hosting Support by the Global Fleet Team


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Hosting Support by your local Volvo sales company


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

S90-V90 main presentations (business update)  


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

S90-V90 main presentations (products & features)


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

S90-V90 local market presentation NSC Fleet Manager


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Event Timings


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Quality of test drive element


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Overall evaluation (value to you) of the event


Very satisfied 非常满意
Satisfied 满意
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied 一般
Unsatisfied 不满意
Very unsatisfied 非常不满意

Has attending the Launch Event changed your perception of suitability of S/V90 for your fleet / drivers / customers? Please Exlpain! (Text Box)


Significantly improved 提升了很多
Improved somewhat 有一些提升
Neutral 没有感觉
Somewhat less positive有些下降
Significantly less positive 下降很多

Has attending the Launch Event changed your purchasing / policy decision towards the S/V90?

Please Explain! (Text Box)


More positive than if I not attended 对决策有了非常积极的影响
Neutral 没有改变
Negative 对决策有了负面的影响

Please rate the following features of the All-New Volvo S90-V90 versus its competitive set


Overall 总体评价
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Exterior 外饰
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Interior 内饰
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多

Luggage Capacity of S90


Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多

Luggage Capacity of V90


Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多

V90 luggage configuration


Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Driving Dynamics 驾驶动力
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Technology 科技
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Safety technologies 安全科技
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Powertrain offer (HP/KW) 动力(功率)
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多
Powertrain offer (CO2) 动力(二氧化碳)
Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多

Trim level structure & specifications


Well ahead 领先很多
Ahead of领先一些
Level with 差不多
Slightly behind 落后一些
Well behind 落后很多

Please add any additional comments and observations



Is there anything that you would like to see Volvo do differently?



Please state which country you are from



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