
您好,我们是梧州学院14级对外汉语中英班的一个调查小组,我们本次调查主要是为了了解外国留学生学习中文的情况。我们会确保您的隐私不被用于除本次调查以外的其他目的 ,请您放心!谢谢您的配合!                       
姓名(your Chinese name):
来中国多长时间了?(How long have you been in China ?) 
6个月以下(six months)
6个月~1年(6 months -1 year)
3年以上(More than 3 years)
来中国之前学过汉语吗?学过的话,多长时间? (Have you ever studied Chinese before you came to China? How long do you learn Chinese? )
6个月 (six months)
1~2年 (1 years -2 years )
2~3年(2years-3years )
3~4年 (3years-4years)
6个月以下(Less than 6 months )
 您为什么学汉语?(可多选)Why do you learn Chinese? (multiple-choice) 
对汉语和中国文化感兴趣(Interested in Chinese and Chinese culture)
方便找工作(Easy to find a job)
别人都学,我也学家庭原因(Others learn, I also learn family reasons )
其他原因(Other reasons )
每天下课后学习汉语的时间多长?(How long do you take to learn Chinese after class every day? )
完全不学 (Totally not learning )
半个小时-1个小时 (Half an hour - an hour )
1-2小时(1-2 hours )
2小时以上(More than 2 hours )
完成课本上的作业以外,您还喜欢怎么学汉语?(可多选)(In addition to completing the textbook assignments,how do you love to learn Chinese ?(Multiple choices) 
请辅导老师(Have a teacher or counselor)
看中国电视、电影 (Watch Chinese TV and movies)
和中国朋友聊天(Chat with Chinese friends )
用软件自学(usesoftware to learn )
其他(other reasons)
您喜欢的上课方式是什么?(可多选)(What is your love class? (Multiple choices) 
老师讲,学生听 (Listen to the teacher)
分小组讨论 (group discussion )
老师和学生互相问答自己上台发表(The teacher and the students are on the stage to express their own questions and answers )
自己上台发表(Speak on the stage )
其他(other reasons)
在中国生活,最难的是什么?(可多选)( What is the most difficult  in your Chinese life  (multiple  choices)? 
听懂中国人说话(To understand what the Chinese speak)
用汉语和中国人交谈(Talk with Chinese in Chinese )
阅读中文文章(Read Chinese articles)
用汉语写作(Writing in Chinese )
其他(other reasons)
汉语课上,最难学的是什么? (可多选)(What is the most difficult to learn  in Chinese class ?)            (multiple choices)
语法 (grammar)
发音 (pronunciation)
汉字 (Chinese character)
听力 (listening )
口语(spoken language)
结业后有什么打算?(可多选) What will you do after graduation? (multiple-choice) 
继续学习汉语,做中文研究 (Continue to learn Chinese and do Chinese Research)
当汉语老师或翻译(To be a Chinese teacher or translator )
进公司,做和中国有关的贸易工作 (To enter the company and do the work of trade with China )
不想做和汉语有关的事 (Don't want to do something about Chinese. )
您为什么来中国?(可多选)(Why did you come to Chinese (multiple choices)? 
父母的意愿 (Parents' wishes )
中国可以为你提供丰厚的奖学金(China can provide you with a generous scholarship )
觉得在中国可以更好地学习汉语(Feel that in China can better learn Chinese )
喜欢中国的文化(Like Chinese culture )
您认为在中国的大学生活怎样 ?(What do you think of college life in China? )
非常棒(Excellent )
还好 (not bad)
一般 (So-so )
不好 (not good )
您认为您的中文水平怎样?(What do you think of your Chinese? )
很好(very good)
差(not good)
您认为中国的科技实力如何?(What do you think of China's scientific and technological strength?)
非常强(Very strong )
比较强(Relatively strong )
不行,和发达国家差距很大一般(The gap between China and developed countries is very large )
一般 (so-so)
您认为中国的高等教育水平怎样?(What do you think of the level of higher education in China? )
很高 (Very good)
比较高(Better )
一般 (so-so)
请用几个词来形容您对中国的印象(Please use a few words to describe your impression of China,
you can also answer in English.)
您认为在课堂上哪些地方需要改进的吗?(Where do you think you need to improve in the classroom?You also can answer in English)
您想对您的中国老师说 (You want to say to your Chinese teacher ,you also can answer in English):

22题 | 被引用92次
