您所接受调查的餐次是? Which meal are you being investigated?
您对现今餐饮服务的评价? Are you satisfied with the Catering service?
Very satisfied非常满意
Quite satisfied比较满意
您对所供应食品的种类是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the variety of food on offer?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对所供应食品的外观是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the presentation of the food on offer?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对所供应食品的口味是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the taste of food on offer?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对所供应食品的新鲜度是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the freshness of food on offer?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对所供应食品的温度是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the temperature of food on offer?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对所供应食品的份量是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the portion size on offer?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对餐饮服务人员的服务态度是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the staff attitude?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对餐饮服务人员的服务速度是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the service speed?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对餐饮服务的卫生状况是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the hygiene condition of the catering service?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您对现今餐厅的公共设施是否感到满意? Are you satisfied with the public facility in the restaurant?
Very satisfied 非常满意
Quite satisfied 比较满意
Average 一般
Absolutely dissatisfied 相当不满意
您更喜欢什么口味的饭菜? Which taste would you prefer?
家常口味Home style
咸鲜味Salty and tasty
其他Others(请填写Please Specify
以下哪些餐饮服务项目是您喜欢的? Which offers do you prefer?
套餐Set Menu
中式零点Chinese A La Carte
其它Others:(请填写 Please Specify)
以下菜系中您喜欢的是?Which cuisine would you prefer?
鲁菜 Shandong Cuisine
粤菜 Guangdong Cuisine
川菜 Sichuan Cuisine
湘菜 Hunan Cuisine
闽菜 Fujian Cuisine
浙菜 Zhejiang Cuisine
苏菜 Jiangsu Cuisine
徽菜 AnhuiCuisine
东北菜Dongbei Cuisine
宁波菜 Ningbo Cuisine
秦菜 Xi’anCuisine
沪菜 Shanghai Cuisine
晋菜Shanxi Cuisine
敦煌菜 GansuCuisine
河南菜 Henan Cuisine
湖北菜 HubeiCuisine
您现今就餐的食物剩余情况是? Your current situation for the wastage?
全部吃完Totally finished
只剩一点A little left
只吃一半have a half
剩余很多 left a lot
您的职业是。。Are you?
A worker 工人
An office worker 办公室员工
A supervisor 主管
A middle manager 经理
A senior manager,director 高级经理、总监
您在贵公司工作的年限是? Have you been working at this site for?
Less than 3months 3个月以下
3 months to 2years 3个月到2年
2 to 10 years 2年到10年
More than 10years 10年以上