需求例:请协助感官评价关于护心仪产品。中间评价基础为0,请使用后评价比较。Notice:Please evaluate Joy Pendant Necklace by your sense. Take the intermediate level as 0, please evaluate after using.
产品样式(形状、颜色),“0”为中间值,分数越高,评价越好。Product Style(shape、colour),take the intermediate level as 0,the higher score the better your evaluation.
耗电量评价,得分越高越省电。Power Consumption :Take the intermediate level as 0,the higher score the more electricity saved.
方便性评价,以中间感受为0点,得分越高,感觉越方便。Convenience evaluation:take the intermediate level as 0,the higher score the more convenient it is.
佩戴感受,以中间感受为0点,得分越高,感受越好。Feeling of Wearing, take the intermediate level as 0, the higher the score the better your feeling
改善效果(护心、降压)以中间感受为0点,得分越高,感受越好。Improvement(protect heart, antihypertensive),take the intermediate level as 0, the higher the score the better your feeling
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